Are we dating?

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Suna and Osamu had been best friends since the day they met in kindergarten, been inseparable ever since. There was even a time when Suna had to go on vacation with his parents in Harajuku, he was 4 at the time, but even at a young age, he was smart enough to sneak Osamu into the car. His parents only realized Osamu was there when they were checking into the hotel. Too late to turn back now was it?

Suna always looked at Osamu as just his close friend. Even if they act like they're dating most of the time, for example, doing a shit ton of things like sleeping together, sharing each other's clothes, holding hands and stuff, he would still deny the fact that they're dating whenever someone brings it up.

Very recently, the both of them have been hanging out more and Osamu has been way way way way way too close with the brunette. Well someone is catching feelings.

Even when they end the call, Osamu would say "I love you" and Suna would say it back. And the fact they still aren't dating is just making the people around them pissed. Yes, including me.

Will they get together? Who knows. But for now, maybe just being close friends is enough...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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