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Every start has its ending, nothing last forever.


"'Samu, we need to talk."

"About what?"

"Did you even love me to begin with?"

Maybe if they ended the relationship they had before he left, maybe if the relationship never began, and they stayed friends, maybe this wouldn't happen.


Osamu and Suna started dating since their second year of highschool, it was all sunshine and rainbows till they both got used to everything. The spark in the kisses they exchanged were gone. The butterflies in Suna's stomach died. The usual blush he'd get vanished. His once bright emerald green eyes, turned dull for some reason, it once showed all the love he wanted and would give to Osamu, it once shone brightly.

Osamu felt nothing anymore when he was with Suna. The smell of Suna, something he loved when this relationship started, something he'd gotten used to by now. Suna used to be, so very cute, adorable, but all of that has gotten used to by now.

They've fallen out of love, haven't they...

It started from no more cuddly weekends to no more kisses anymore. When was the last time they touched each other, when was the last time they hugged, the last time they even kissed?!

No one remembers. No one cares, now do they?

They sleep together in the same bed, live together in the same house, eat on the same table, but, it wasn't as lively as it was a few months, or maybe years back.

Suna would never admit it, but he hated this relationship. The way it just is, he hates it. He wants things to go back to normal. If only he spoke up earlier, maybe things wouldn't be this way, maybe if they broke it off before they went their separate ways.

Suna isn't who he thinks he is anymore, he was loving and caring. Keyword, was. He felt fucking clingy now. They were losing interest in each other. It was obvious.

Osamu usually cooked things full heartedly for Suna, it was all just, dead now, nothing he did was what he wanted, it was all just to hopefully please Suna and himself. They don't even talk anymore, unless they had to.

Osamu would seldom come home,

"Probably sleeping with some other bitch..."
Suna would usually think to himself before falling asleep

But Osamu was actually at his elder brother's, sleeping over.

They both knew shit was about to go down, but no one did anything.

Suna couldn't bear the thought of him and Osamu breaking up, but nothing lasts forever huh.


Another 4 months passed, Suna gave this broken relationship time, all the time it needed. But no change, no nothing.

They needed to talk.

Suna came home from volleyball and showered as usual, it was his usual boring routine, but today, everything was done earlier, so he could pack his luggage, he was done.

Osamu came home and saw Suna sitting on the dining table, on his phone, probably scrolling through social media.

"'Samu. We need to talk"

"About what?"
He asked back.

"Did you even love me to begin with?"

"Of course I love you..."

"Yeah right, go fuck yourself"

"Suna, did I do something?..."

"Use that brain of yours and think"

Suna has never been one for rebellion, he's never raged at anyone like this. Never.

Osamu was quiet, he knew this was going to happen.

"Suna...please we can talk..."

"Oh what is there to talk about hm?"


"Right, fucking speechless like you always are."

"You know what, you fucking shit, you thought I loved you, yeah. You and that little dream of yours, how about YOU go fuck yourself. You're fucking selfish! All you care about is yourself!"
Osamu snapped. Suna was in shock.

So that's what you really think of me huh...

Suna got up and fast walked into the bedroom and dragged two luggages with him.

Osamu turned around with both hands on his mouth, he fucked up...

"S-suna please I'm sorry!"
He hugged Suna from behind, begging him not to leave.

"Don't touch me."

Osamu didn't move, he cried, and cried. It hurt Suna to know that he was crying because of him. He started crying. It hurt a lot. But then he remembered what Osamu did to him.

It was for the best...

"Miya. I said let go."

"Rintarou...Baby please...Don't go..."

He forcefully pushed Osamu off him and watched as he fell to the ground. His hurt ached, but it was for the best.

"Goodbye, Miya."

Someone requested angst so here you go—

Might not be the best but I hope you all liked it.

Hope you enjoyed and please leave a vote to push my rankings up!

Thank youuuu 🥺❤️✨

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