Christmas Specials

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Christmas. Christmas happens once in a whole year. It's a season of celebration and Joy.

Risako, Osamu and Rintarou's 8 year old daughter, woke up and checked her charging phone next to her.


She got up, made her bed, brushed her teeth and changed into a nice red and white striped sweater and wore a white skirt. She had a bit of trouble styling her hair so she just combed it and parted her bangs. She then walked up the stairs to her parents bedroom.

Osamu and Rintarou were still sleeping when Risako entered. Both were cuddling under the blankets and the ac was really cold.

"Mama, daddy, wake up"
Risako whispered.

None of them moved. Risako then pulled open the curtains, revealing the eye straining sunlight that shone into the huge room.

"Holy shit! Close it! Close it!"
Osamu said as he jumped up from the bed, closing the curtains again.

Rintarou was just pissed that some bitch had to scream in the morning.

"Good morning mama"
Risako said as she crawled onto the bed, giving Rintarou a hug.

"Morning darling"
Rintarou returned the hug.

Osamu went back on the bed and gave Rintarou his good morning kiss.

"And goodmorning to you too"
Rintarou said again.

"Mama, it's Christmas"
Risako got down from the bed.

"Indeed it is"


The sounds of Risako's footsteps rushing towards the Christmas tree were heard, Christmas songs were played loudly, everyone had bright smiles on their faces.

"Look at all the presents under the Christmas tree! There's so many!"
Risako said.

Rintarou softly patted the innocent's head.

Rintarou looked over from the corner of his eyes, only to see Osamu half-awake and falling asleep. Suna walked over to him, and flicked his forehead.

"Ouch, I'm still a bit tired..."
Osamu opened one of his eyes.

"Well, wake up sleepy head."
Rintarou said.

Then leaned over to whisper in his ear,
"Wake the fuck up, or else I'll get a bucket of ice cold water and throw it on you with no mercy. Got it?"
and smiled at Osamu as if nothing happened, leaving shivers down his spine.

After that, he walked back to his beloved daughter.

Risako pulled Rintarou's shirt, and asked,

"Can we make some gingerbread cookies now?"

Rintarou smiled at her,
"Of course dear"

He shot a death glare towards Osamu which led to his tired husband going into the kitchen to take out the gingerbread dough he made the other night and some molds.

Rintarou carried her to the kitchen and prepared to make some gingerbread cookies, putting on gloves and an apron so he doesn't get his shirt dirty, well try, he just knows he will get them dirty anyways. Then proceeded to help Risako pull her sleeves up and wear her mini sized apron.

The ingredients were prepared, they were about to start, both Risako and Rintarou looked at Osamu, seeing him fall asleep again. Suna got a cup of ice cold water, and splashed it onto him.

"Wake up."
Osamu was fully awake after that.

They proceeded to mold the cookies.

At this point, you probably question, why was Osamu so tired, good question. They fucked and Osamu was more tired than Rintarou this time. I wonder why.

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