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Osamu and Suna started dating somewhere near their second year of highschool. They were going to graduate soon, and Suna worried on what were to happen in the future. What would happen. Would they end it before they go their separate ways?

They were getting cold to each other anyways. But does he really want to end it like this?


Samu, we need to talk

What's wrong?

Can you come home now?


Im busy


I have some things to do

Sorry Rinny :(


Sorry again


Suna gave up and went home. There was another 4 days till they graduated. All the possibilities on what might and could happen killed Suna inside. He couldn't bear the thoughts of him and Osamu breaking up.

I think it's time that we talk

Suna didn't want them to break up. What if it was for the best. But he would never get over Osamu, he himself knew that. He felt as if Osamu was getting tired of him too. Maybe it really would be for the best.

Suna opened the door to his dorm and went in. The dorm he and Osamu had shared since their first year, they were going to have to leave soon. Would he miss this place? Maybe. There were so many memories there. Their first kiss, the first time they had sexual intercourse, the first time Suna cried in front of someone, many of their firsts happened in that dorm. Would Suna's first breakup happen here too?

Suna entered Osamu's room, a place where most of the things happened. How Osamu cared for him after they did it to all the cuddly nights, he was definitely going to miss them. They talked about their future, Suna already got accepted to play for a national volleyball team while Osamu was planning to open his own Onigiri store. They talked many times about their huge dreams.

Were they going to separate?

Suna took a quick shower and wore one of Osamu's clothes, it could be the last few times he was going to be able to wear it, so why not.

He covered himself in the blankets. The smell of Osamu made him miss his partner even more. His touch, his kisses, even his cuddles. He longed for that warmth.

Tears ran down Suna's eyes, but Suna didn't care, he didn't care anymore. He was afraid. He admitted the fact that he was actually afraid that they might break up. Maybe he would never see Osamu ever again. He needed Osamu. He knew that.

Suna grabbed his phone from the bedside table. He needed Osamu, right now.

"Rinny? Is something wrong? It's 11 right now, you should be-"

He heard Suna silently sniffing on the other side.

"You cried didn't you..."
Osamu thought.


"Give me 10 minutes ok? I'm coming..."

Osamu sighed and rubbed his head.

Suna felt like an idiot for being so weak.

"Nevermind...take your time..."

"Suna I-"

Suna ended the call. He put down his phone and cried uncontrollably, he sobbed and whimpered, his eyes were puffy and nose was stuck. He cried as if there wasn't a tomorrow anymore. He cried as if the world was ending. He needed to break up with Osamu. It was the right thing to do, was it?

Osamu slammed his laptop shut and kept his things, he returned a few books to the library and rushed home, afraid of the stupid things Suna would do to himself when he gets sad or overwhelmed. He was a bit frustrated but he couldn't blame Suna.

He opened the dorm unit door anxiously and went inside his bedroom, only to see Suna asleep on the bed. He bent down and noticed his usual soft eyes were puffy, he used his mouth to breathe so his nose was definitely stuck.

"Poor thing..."

He placed a kiss on Suna's forehead and went to take a quick shower.

He sat next to Suna,

"When I try, you just end up crying...Where's the strong Rin I used to know...My heart aches when i hear you crying...Suna, I'm really afraid you know. There's so many things that could happen. We might go our separate ways, and try doing a long distant relationship, and only meeting each other on weekends, or maybe 2 times a month, who knows...Or we could break up before we go...I just get stressed when I look at you...I'm sorry..."

"I won't break it off with you, but you will..."

Suna said silently, but enough for Osamu to hear him.

"You weren't asleep?"


"Come here..."

Osamu said as he gave Suna a long hug.

"I won't leave unless you want me to..."

They eventually laid down and cuddled to sleep.

Suna failed at not overusing the love Osamu gave to him, Osamu failed to make Suna happy, they were getting stressed on separating, but for now, at least they had each other.

Thank you.

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