14k Specials!

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Risako: mama, I went to the store with daddy today and we heard some other woman say they like daddy's hair.

Rintarou: Some other woman said they liked daddy's hair?

Risako: yeah

Osamu in the room hearing the conversation: Oh fuck. Jesus save me please.

Rintarou: Alright, what did daddy say?

Risako: Daddy smiled back at her

Rintarou: Oh? Really?

Risako: Yes

Rintarou: He smiled back?

Osamu in the room be like: Hurray, I fucked up

Risako: He did

Rintarou: Oh he wanna smile at girls now

Risako: Mama wait-

Osamu still in the room eavesdropping: shits about to go downnnn

Rintarou: Okay so your daddy is trying to go to heaven and meet Jesus today

Risako: Huh-

Rintarou: Bet. *walks into the room and proceeds to murder Osamu*

Definitely not inspired by a tik tok I watched today 😁
Ok thx bye

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