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Inarizaki won against Karasuno in a practice match and wanted to celebrate. They all decided on Suna's house since it was the biggest and he had a huge hot tub and swimming pool.

"6pm at mine, sleepover if you want, parents are out again anyways"

The team agreed, well some of them, and they met at Suna's place at the same exact time.

They went in and sat in the theatre room Suna had as it was the biggest place in the whole entire house. A few bean bags were in the room but were moved to the side in order for most of them to place their sleeping bags.

"Get comfy bitches, we gon celebrate tonight!"

Suna said.

"I don't think you should be swearing Suna-kun..."

Kita said, putting down his stuff.

"Aww, don't kill the fun for us Kita san"

Ginjima said.

Kita let them go for one night and they would probs go crazy afterwards.

"There's actually some whiskey in the kitchen"

Suna suddenly remembered.

"You all are underaged..."

Aran reminded them.

"Drinking sounds fun!"

Atsumu said.

"You all really shouldn't be drinking"

Akagi said.

"Okay fine, coke anyone?"

Suna asked.

They all agreed on coke and he went to get some from the kitchen before going back.

"How exactly are we going to celebrate?"

Osamu asked whilst opening a can of coke.

"We could play some games first?"

Kita suggested, thinking it was friendly games...Pure baby smh

"You guys wanna play truth or dare?"

Atsumu suggested and they all agreed.

"Okay, we all have to take turns"

Aran said.

"Who's first?"

Suna asked, taking Osamu's coke to drink. Osamu wasn't even the least bothered.

"Hrmm, almighty tsumu should go first"

Akagi suggested.

"Ew why me"

Atsumu was actually happy he got chosen deep down-

"Whatever, truth or dare"

Akagi asked.


Atsumu said.

"Guys, we have a pussy in the house-"

"Shut up would ya!"

The others laughed a bit, yeah apart from Kita who didn't get it-

Chile anyways.

Atsumu got asked if it was true that he would fantasize about his special other. Of course the bitch said yes.

They went for a few more rounds until it got heated. Kita was dared to sit on Aran's lap. He wasn't the least bothered but Aran sure was. Osamu was dared to order McDonalds for everyone. Aran's truth was if he had a crush on someone. Ginjima was asked if he had purposefully left practice early just to skip clean ups, Kita got kinda disappointed after he knew the truth. When it was Suna's turn...

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