His warmth

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The warmth he got was comforting. The warmth he got from Suna was comforting. The warmth they gave each other was comforting. They loved each other. But Sometimes, things are better just the way they are. No change, no pain.

Suna waited on the rooftop of the dormitory units, waiting for Osamu. He had his blanket and two onigiris he bought for himself and his friend while he was at the mini mart. He looked at the stars and started thinking about a lot of things. He truly believed, the faster he grew, the faster he could get out of the shitty household he lived in and have more freedom over himself. But it was the total opposite.

"I believe you're old enough to make decisions for yourself Rin, I want the name of the college you'll be attending by the end of this year. Stop volleyball next year. I want you to focus on your studies."

He wanted to go pro with volleyball, even fought with his parents about it, but they wouldn't take it.

"How would volleyball help? If you hurt yourself and can't play anymore, what's going to happen?"

"It's a useless sport. It won't become your job."

Just as he was about to overthink even more, the doors to the rooftop opened and a boy with gray hair appeared.

"Hey Rinny"


He sat down as he usually would and Rintarou would cover the blanket over the both of them after laying down. 

"It's currently 11:24pm, let's head back before 5am this time"

Osamu said, putting down his phone and snuggling up against Suna.


Suna felt at home. Wherever he was with him, he felt truly at home. What about his own? It felt more like a hell hole than home.

"What are you going to do after we graduate?"

Suna suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

"Not sure, something to do with cooking maybe?"

He said, unsure.

"Oh. Your parents know about it?"

"Mhm, they said to do what I think is right. They'll support me in whatever me and my brother does."

"Damn, that's lucky"

"Hm? What about you?"

"Oh...I'm still not sure..."

"Nothing came to mind yet? I thought you wanted to go pro?"

"I said that?"

"4 nights ago, yeah"

"Well...My parents don't want that for me..."

"It's your decision to make, not theirs"

"I know...But...I just...I really don't know anymore..."

"It's fine, don't stress. We still have a long time-"

"That's the point! I have no time! They want a college name by the end of the year!"

"Damn...They really shouldn't pressure you so much..."

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it, now can I?"

"Nothing you can do Rin..."


Rintarou remembered the Onigiris and handed one to Osamu. They both got up and slowly ate. Then cuddled again.

Nights like these were fun and calming. They did this almost every night. Suna ain't complaining tho. His problems disappear whenever he is with Osamu.

He liked Osamu a lot, but sometimes, things are better the way they are.

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