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Suna would head to the local spa at least twice every week, sometimes three. He didn't like junior masseurs since they either used too much strength or too less. He'd only go for Osamu, and if he wasn't available, ha, no massage it is, or he'll come back another day.

Osamu had what Suna would call "magic hands". Suna would always catch up on sleep almost halfway through every session, and Osamu would let the male rest inside the room until he woke up and was ready to leave.

Suna went to the spa as usual on Sunday, sort of excited to see Osamu and try out the full body massage package the spa had.

"Ehh, sorry Suna san, Osamu recently quit"
The receptionist said.

"Wait what? He earns a lot tho, why did he quit?"
Suna asked, curious.

"One of the other seniors said he wanted to open his own Onigiri Shop. He does make great onigiris!"

"Oh, alright then. You can cancel all my future appointments, I don't think I'll come back anymore"

Suna was one of the highest paying clients, so this was a very unfortunate event for the spa.

"I understand, sorry for the inconvenience!"

"It's alright"

Suna went home, frustrated.

How will I get my daily massage sessions now...

The first week without his massage session was pure hell, his back hurt and he was close to going crazy. On the third week, he couldn't stand it anymore and finally had the courage to call Osamu.

After a few rings, the other male picked up.
"Hello? Suna?"
Osamu was confused, he didn't provide massage services anymore, so why would Suna be calling.

"Hey, uhm, weird request but can I have a massage session around 2, the usual."
Suna felt kinda awkward, knowing Osamu already quit.

"Ah, I'm sorry Suna, I think you're aware that I quit about 3 weeks ago."

"I know but, let's just say my back hurts and the other masseurs suck"

"Ehh, I don't know if-"

"Osamu, I will pay you as much as you want just for a 2 hour session."

"It's not about the money Rintarou."

"Are you busy? We can go for another day if you want"

"It's alright, I'm free today but-"

"Osamu please, I haven't had a good nights rest since the last session"

Osamu sighed,
"Alright alright, you don't have to pay. Keep in mind all I have is the ointment for massages and that's it."

"I don't even mind at this point. My back hurts to the point I'm going to go crazy."

Osamu laughed it off and agreed to go to Suna's apartment for the session. Suna found a few scented candles and tidied his room a little before taking a shower, he didn't want to smell like garbage. He took out a few towels and scented candles to make his room smell better, giving him the illusion that he's back at the spa.

Osamu arrived and entered Suna's luxurious apartment. The money he got from volleyball managed to pay off a lot.

"Ahh, it's been three weeks and I missed you already"
Suna pinched Osamu's cheeks, something he always did.

"Not gonna lie, I missed you too"

"I'm sure you did. Now, why did you quit? Weren't you earning a lot?"

"I did but I wanted to get in the food industry"

"I see"

"Do we start now?"


Suna was happy that Osamu actually agreed to go over. They walked inside Suna's room and started whatever he'd usually do.

"If I do fall asleep, tuck me in and get whatever you want to eat from the cabinets, or you can cook yourself something"


"If I don't wake up within 30 minutes, you have the rights to wake me up"

Osamu laughed at Suna's statement,
"Yes yes"
He somehow knew he wouldn't wake Rintarou up even if he slept for the entire day.

When Osamu started massaging Suna's back, damn did it feel like heaven. There was some small talk before Suna finally fell asleep. It was the best sleep he has ever had in 3 weeks, maybe a massage was needed after all. Osamu did realise a few cuts on Suna's fingers, maybe because he tried cooking and accidentally cut himself, or maybe from volleyball, he cleaned the wound and put a few plasters on his fingers too.

After 2 hours, Osamu finished and covered a blanket over Suna. He tidied up some things and went outside to let Suna sleep. He found some things to eat and scrolled on his phone, waiting for Suna to wake up. It was nice to see Suna again, he missed a lot of his ex-clients but he wasn't used to not seeing Suna for so long.

Suna woke up around 6pm, 2 hours after the massage session ended. He checked the time on his phone and panicked since Osamu didn't wake him up. He got a bathrobe and quickly went outside.

"I told you to wake me up, didn't I?"
Suna said with a face of guilt.

"Yes you did, but you looked too cute, didn't want to disturb you"
Osamu teased.

"I feel bad now"
Suna continued to pout.

"It's fine."

Suna remembered about paying and went back inside his room, taking out 20000 Yen, handing it to him.

"Isn't that a bit too much?"

"Just take it, I troubled you a lot today"

"It's alright, you didn't"

"I really insist"

Osamu ended up taking the money and agreed to come back for tea or maybe another massaging session whenever Suna needed it.


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