Sugar Daddy

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(Hello niece and nephew, aunty Tiffany is back with another oneshot, well not really oneshot, I'll do a part 2 on this haha. Enjoy. Sorry in advance for typos, this is not edited.)

"Rintarou i swear to god, just get yourself a sugar daddy at this point"
Atsumu begged his best friend who is highly in debt thanks to university, can't pay his own rent, doesn't even have enough money to feed himself sometimes and very much mentally exhausted.

"No, that's disgusting."
Suna cringed at the thought of it, it was like being a full time prostitute and he hated the idea of it.

"C'mon, it's not that bad. Kiyoomi is nice to me AND he pays for everything"
Atsumu bragged.

"Because you both are actually dating dating"
Rintarou rolled his eyes.

"Yes but still"

Suna didn't even hesitate to say no, sure, he might live a better life, but at what cost.

"For fuck's sake just get one, it's not like any boyfriend you had in the past was useful or nice anyways."
Atsumu referred to the few abusive ones, the one who used Suna only for his good looks, one who almost raped him, the ones that cared but not enough to even fork out 100¥ and many more who were just straight up useless.

"True. But no"
Suna answered again.

"Not every sugar daddy wants sex you know"
Atsumu tried to get his friend to agree again, he only wants what's best for Rintarou and it hurts him to see the brunette suffering because of all the money piled up and his useless family members only makes him even more frustrated.

"I know"

"Then? Look i don't wanna pressure you or anything but if you continue being broke as fuck, you will stress yourself out and you won't be able to focus on uni."

"Okay fine, I'll think about it. Just stop begging me to get one. Not everyone has good relationships like you"

"No shit Sherlock, i still wanna punch the guy that fucking hit you about a week ago"
Thinking about the satisfaction Atsumu would've gotten if he punched the guy in the face gave him chills, exciting kind of chills.

"Family filed a lawsuit and restriction order, he can't come near me ever again anyways"
Suna shrugged.

"You see, that's what I hate about your family, they have enough money to do all of that but when it comes to uni and your rent, they don't even want to pay a cent into it."


"Okay back to the subject, if i can find you a decent sugar daddy in a week, will you agree to it."

"Sure if he doesn't only want me for sex"

"Okay deal. Now back to the guy who got yelled at by the professor..."


About a week later,

Suna's morning started off with the landlord banging on his door again, it sucked having to wake up on a Saturday morning like this. He got a bathrobe and covered himself with it before unlocking the door to hide the fact he slept in his underwear.

"Good morn-"

The man outside his apartment gates interrupted him before he could finish greeting him,
"Dude, it's been like 2 months, you're past due again"

"Sorry, I'll pay next week"
Suna felt really guilty.

"Sorry man but if you don't, I'm going to have to give you an evacuation notice."

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