That Night

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Smut warning.


Suna came out of his dorm and took a bathrobe with him. It was around 11pm and everyone was probably asleep. Well, hopefully. Suna did this almost every night, he'd sneak out of his dorm and then head to the boy's changing room at the other block of the dormitories where there were 4 jacuzzis they could use. He went into the bathroom and filled one of it with water. He put his things next to him and forgot to lock the door because no one would come in anyways and he never locked the doors.

Or so he thought...

They weren't allowed to take bubble baths in the jacuzzi. Who knows why they don't allow it. He dumped a small bottle of body wash into the jacuzzi filled with lukewarm water. He stripped and played some soft piano music with his phone and went into the jacuzzi, he pressed the white button next to it and it started bubbling up. He sat there and tried relaxing a bit.

Halfway through his relaxing bubble bath session, someone came into the bathroom. Suna wasn't aware of that though...

Suddenly, his door opened. It revealed Osamu with a towel and some of his toiletries in hand.



Awkward. Very very awkward.

They fought 4 days ago because of a misunderstanding. Suna stopped hanging out with Osamu and talked more with Kita and the other third years instead. Osamu jumped to conclusions and thought he was dating Kita as Suna mentioned at the start of their relationship, he did have a crush on Kita during their first year. But he "lost" feelings for him when he got into his second year. During practice that day, when Suna handed a water bottle to Osamu, he hit Suna's hand and the bottle fell to the ground.


"Get the fuck away from me you cheater..."

"I'm sorry what?"

"You heard me!"

Everyone who was practicing looked at the both of them.

"Samu what?"

"You fucking bitch, don't give me that innocent look"
He got up from the bench and went back to practice.

Suna was left there, confused.

That day, they fought again in the changing room after practice. Osamu ended the fight by slapping Suna and left him to cry his ass out for all he cared.

"You shouldn't be here you know?"
Osamu said, leaning against the wall.

"I know..."

"Taking a bubble bath too huh...Would be good quality drama if the great Suna Rintarou got reported to the discipline office"

"Don't tell anyone, please"

"I won't."

He still felt as if Osamu would tell on him.

"Wanna join?"

Why the fuck did I say that, oh right, i don't want him to tell on me, welp, fuck

He honestly needed a bubble bath anyways. Or was it another reason?...

He put his things on the floor and took off his clothes. Suna would take glances at the "hot stuff" he had in front of him. He may keep that deadpan expression of his but the butterflies in his stomach were flying all over the place.

Osamu got in and relaxed for a bit. The bubbles made the water smell better...

Suna, on the other hand, gave up on relaxing because he knew he couldn't. He was glad he put bubbles or he would have been able to see...You know~

"Why are you here?"
Osamu suddenly asked.

"Relaxing, duh?"

"Don't have to be so rude"


"It's fine"

They kept silent again.

"Samu...look...I didn't cheat...I swear"


"...You still don't believe me?"

Osamu fiddled with his fingers and stared at them for a bit.


Suna sighed.

"I'll tell you okay? I was hanging with the third years lately because I wanted to bring you out on a date next week"

Osamu looked up.


"Yes...Now it's not a surprise anymore..."

"Oh...I'm sorry Rin..."

Suna got up and slowly shifted to the other corner of the jacuzzi, sitting right next to Osamu.

"You always take the initiative to bring me out and I never do anything...So I wanted to surprise you with a date. I swear on my life I feel nothing for Kita san anymore"
He looked at Osamu, straight in the eye. He meant what he said.

Osamu leaned in and gave Suna a kiss, their lips synced together in rhythm. Osamu licked Suna's bottom lip, asking for entrance which Suna gladly gave. He continued for a while until it got heated and the kiss got rougher.

Osamu's hand found it's way over to Suna's thighs and placed it there, then their lips parted and he started kissing Suna's collarbone, leaving marks all over as Suna gave soft moans which turned him on even more. The hand that was on Suna's thigh moved towards his hard erection.

"Getting hard hm?~"

Suna gulped at the deep voice. Osamu got on Suna and started kissing him even more, giving firm strokes together with it. Suna's moans were muffled into the kiss. He started to tremble. Osamu let go and slowly pushed his middle finger and ring finger in, Suna's grip on Osamu got tighter. He slowly scissored around before stopping. He looked at Suna again who was trembling.

"Well, I had fun~"
He kissed Suna's forehead and got out of the bath.

"Don't stay in here for too long, don't want Rin kun to get caught now do we~ Anyways, see you at breakfast tomorrow~"

Osamu got his things and left. Suna sat up and...

What the fuck just happened.

He got out of the bath and drained all the water, making sure he got rid of all the bubbles, then collected his things. His legs were sore but he had to cope with it. He walked back to his dormitory and fell asleep.


The next morning when he woke up, he looked at himself in the mirror, remembering the things he did last night made him go all red, his neck was covered in hickies and a few bite marks. He quickly washed up and wore his uniform. He wore one of the school jackets to try to hide his bite marks...

Suna got out of his dorm room and headed to the cafeteria where breakfast was served. He sat with his teammates and ate breakfast with them after collecting his usual breakfast set, chocolate milk and a piece of bread. It was hard for him to walk which got Osamu satisfied.


Hope you enjoyed

Please vote to push my rankings higher so more people can read it too ❤❤

Love you all. I'm not feeling my best lately so my writing might be shitty

I'm sorry

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