Little Prince

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In which Rintarou was a girl because I'm writing OsaSuna fanfiction for my Chinese teacher for the Chinese essay and they don't allow gay shites- homophobic much but yeah, fem suna. Royalty au~


"Where did you go...?" She whispered, emerald green fox-like eyes gazing at the setting sun as she leaned on the window from her room, reminiscing to the time she met the most wonderful person ever. He had fair skin, silky soft hair, the most fitting suit and the sweetest personality. Even at her age that time, she could see herself wanting to know him more, be best friends, maybe one day, lovers.

Her family was invited to a royal ball for a kingdom's coronation day a few years back. She met the prince and that was when they danced together for the first time, gracefully and elegantly around the others their age as well, yet they were basking in each other's presence. They talked and got to know each other well enough to be labelled as friends.

After the dance and the small talks with other families, they took a breather at the castle's garden, taking a seat at a nearby bench and leaning on each other. The moonlit fountain in front of them and the soft scent of roses around them giving off the most calming and warm aura. Of course, everything must come to an end. She was called back and they had to bid each other farewell, giving each other a warm hug and a silent bow before leaving. She thought it was their first, also last, meeting.

"It's been 5 years little prince... in every party I've gone to, I have not found you" She hummed to herself, getting ready for yet another party. This time, the last name was familiar, "Miya." If she was not mistaken, it's the last name of the prince she had been looking for.

Her family was invited to the Miya twins' 18th birthday, located at their palace's garden at dusk. They arrived at the venue and were greeted by a few others, the birthday boys were nowhere to be seen just yet. She walked around, admiring the amazing work they've done at decorating the place, the garden had fairy lights from the trees, a table with various choices of food, and some flowers had a soft glow from the warm sunset hues; overall, it was a comfortable place.

Soon enough, the party started. The birthday boys and their family walked in just a few minutes upon her arrival. They gave them all warm welcome as the twins gave their speech. They were greeted, thanked...; Yet, the other boy with now, dyed gray hair, looked as if something bothered him, as if something or someone was missing. His older twin finished his speech as they bowed, thanking the guests one last time for attending their royal party.

A few minutes of getting comfortable later, the two made eye contact. Even after 5 years, they recognised each other. He could never forget her fox-like eyes and she would never forget the way his hair looked, the way he dressed, it all reminded her of a specific "him" she met a few years back.

As if on cue, music started playing and people started crowding the centre to dance with their significant other. The princess and the prince looked at each other for a second, then walked towards each other.

"May I have this dance?"

He asked, holding her right hand, gently pecking the back of it.

She only nodded as they headed towards the dance floor.

"And we meet again, 'little prince'..."

Upon hearing the nickname, he confirmed that it was the princess he was looking for.

"And we meet again..."

He repeated...


There is a Chinese version of this for my school haha.

Anyways remember to read this because my friend wrote it.

Anyways remember to read this because my friend wrote it

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