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{A/N Please don't be cringe please don't be cringe please please please don't be cringe. Oh shit. Its cringe-}

Suna was out with some of his friends, drinking and partying as he should, leaving a worried Osamu at home.

For god's sake, Rin...Where are you?

Osamu left Rintarou 99+ missed calls and 1,635+ messages, wanting him to come home, asking him where he was. It was almost 1am, where was he...

Rintarou on the other hand, was having the time of his life. Unaware of what awaited him at home.

Around 2:45am, Rintarou decided to ditch the party and go home. Once he got in his car, he could already feel the drowsiness from the amount of alcohol he took in. He tried his best to drive home properly and fortunately succeeded.

He parked his car and went up to the little apartment they owned. He unlocked the door and went in.

"Rintarou! You're home! Where were you?!"

Osamu ran over from the couch and gave his precious a hug. But then he realized...

"You reek of alcohol..."

Suna was too tired to explain anything.

"Sorry...I'll go wash up, then we can sleep..."

"No. Where were you."

"No where you need to know about."

Suna felt nauseous,

"Rintarou. Don't give me that attitude."

He ignored Osamu and fast walked towards the bathroom, kneeling down in front of the toilet bowl, vomiting.

Osamu heard the sound of Suna in distress and quickly went to the bathroom with him. He knelt down and rubbed Suna's back, hoping he would feel better. He was mad, but now wasn't the time to be mad.

As Suna started calming down, Osamu went to the kitchen and got a cup of water for Suna.


And he obediently did.

"Feeling better?"


Osamu helped RIntarou get up and quickly helped him wash up, he didn't want his boyfriend smelling like crap right next to him as they slept.

He helped Suna change and brush his teeth for him while Suna was half asleep.

"I'm sorry..."

Suna suddenly manages to mumble.

"You'll be sorry tomorrow."

Osamu said.

Rintarou had no idea on what it meant but he knew he was tired.


Suna spit some of the toothpaste that was left in his mouth and Osamu gave him a cup of water to gargle his mouth with.

After that, he carried Suna off the bathroom counter and back into their room. He gently put Suna on the bed and took a towel, gently wiping the fox-like boy's face.

"I love you 'Samu..."

"I love you too Rinny. Go to sleep."



11am {Osamu and Suna's penthouse unit}

Rintarou woke up with a really bad headache. The side next to him was cold as ice. Osamu wasn't there.

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