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"Osamu kun, where's your textbook?"

"I forgot to bring it..."

"Oh? Stand for the rest of class, Rintarou, can you share your textbook with him please?"

Suna took one look at Osamu and back at the teacher and raised an eyebrow.

"Or I might just have to send the both of you to detention"

The teacher said.

Oh for fuck's sake


Rintarou put his textbook in the middle and left it that way. The teacher went on and on and on while Suna took notes.

As Osamu tried pointing out something in Suna's textbook, Suna hit his hand. Osamu clicked his tongue and looked at Suna.

"Don't touch my textbook with your filthy ass hands you jerk"

"Says the bitch"

"Oi! I'm being so nice by borrowing you my god damned textbook and this is how you talk to me?!"

Suna yelled, slamming his hand on the table.

He got the whole class's attention, including the teacher.

"Boys, stop it."

They ignored the teacher and went on. Suna eventually got up from his chair and they started fighting.


The two of them looked at the teacher as she motioned for the two of them to stand at the front.


"But he started it!"

"Oh shut up you bitch"

"You sick bastard. What the fuck did you just call me."

"I said ENOUGH."

"Fine! I'm sorry."


"That's it, hold hands till class ends."


Suna yelled. Osamu just face palmed himself and groaned.

"I'm serious. Or do you want a week of detention instead? I have plenty of reasons. Being mean towards a teacher, fighting, swearing-"

"Okay okay! Geez"

The two boys stood in front of the class. Eventually intertwining their fingers together. The teacher smiled at the two boys as the class started laughing.

"How does it feel?"

One of the girls in the front row asked Suna.

He only gave a fake smile and showed her his middle finger.

"Don't make me give you both detention Rintarou kun"


Suna was left cringing and mouth open wide. Osamu rolled his eyes.

Osamu suddenly started holding Suna's hand tighter, which resulted in Suna pinching his hand with his nails as a reaction.

After 40 minutes of pure torture from what Suna described, class ended.

"Remember to do your homework and remember to bring your textbooks next time, class dismissed"

Rintarou packed his things and quickly went to his locker to put his books in, then to the bathroom. He started scrubbing the shit out of his right hand, spraying a bunch of hand sanitizer on it afterwards.

"Oi, your hand is all red, what's wrong?"

Atsumu suddenly appeared behind him.

"The fuck did you come from?"

Suna asked, still focusing on his hand.

"Shut up, what happened to your hand"

"Had to hold hands with your brother for 50 minutes straight"

"Eh? Is it that bad? You always brag to me about how he's so hot-"

"Oh shut up you jackass"

"Why you swearing so much TAT"

"Dunno, don't ask."


3pm {After school volleyball practice}

Rintarou finished apologizing to one of the teachers and went to practice, he entered the gym, greeted the other and headed towards the changing room. Osamu took this as a chance to get his revenge. He quickly positioned himself and did a jump float serve, aiming the ball at Suna. The aiming went a little wrong and the volleyball hit Suna's head, causing him to faint from such a hard hit.



Kita ditched the volleyball and ran over to him, so did a few other team members.

"Samu! Why the fuck did you hit so hard?!"

Atsumu yelled at him.

"I didn't even know it was going to hit him!"

He lied.

Kita asked the others to put Suna's books and bag aside as he examined his head a bit. There was going to be a huge bruise and it wouldn't be pretty.

"Osamu, can you bring Suna to the infirmary? You hit him pretty hard..."

Kita said.

Osamu felt guilty so he did.

Atsumu accompanied him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. They opened the door to the infirmary and placed Suna down on one of the beds.

"Where's the nurse?"

Atsumu asked.

"How would I know?"

"Should we treat him first? The bruise is huge..."

"Get me an ice pack"


Atsumu grabbed one of the ice packs from the freezer and handed it to Osamu who then gently placed it on his head.


4:30pm {School infirmary}

Rintarou woke up, Osamu was on his phone, hand still on the ice pack that was on Suna's head.

Suna groaned and got Osamu's attention, he kept his phone and took the ice pack off of Suna's head.

"You alright?"

He asks.

"You used a volleyball. Full strength, aimed at my head. What do you think?"

"I didn't aim it at you!"

"Yeah yeah whatever"

"I'm sorry okay..."

Suna crossed his arms and looked away.

"I'll cook you lunch for a whole week if you forgive me..."

Suna looked at Osamu, interested.



Random brain rot

remember to vote and read the 2 books ive worked hard on for "Project Fluff" which includes a hospital au, and a soulmate au.

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