Luxury in Singapore 2

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28th November/1:18pm/ {Marina Bay Sands Hotel Lobby}

As the four of them got out of the car, they were led towards the check in counter around the tower 3 area where they got dropped off from as the tower 1 area was crowded with tourists.

"Wahhh, this doesn't look like a hotel lobby! This looks more like an airport!"

Exclaimed Atsumu who was taking a million pictures. Sakusa once again told him to keep it down.

Osamu went to help them check in and got their hotel room cards. He handed them to Sakusa and they waited for their turn to use the elevator as there were many other tourists and the place was crowded. It was normal and expected for them to have to wait.

"Sooo What are we doing after this?"
Atsumu asked, energetic as he is.

"I relly wonder how you are not tired yet."
Sakusa said.

"Is omi omi jealous~"

"Which part of what I said says I was jealous?"


Osamu and Suna laughed at that.

They entered the lift and some of the hotel staff took their luggages for them. It stopped on the 54th floor as they got out. They were led to the Orchid Suites. It had a full cityscape of the city and looked beautiful at night.

"Do enjoy your stay."

The hotel staff said to Osamu and Suna before closing the door for them. Two of their luggages, one big and one small, were placed into the closet near the left side of the bed and the other big one was placed on a little bench like thing (idk what it's called tbh but let's just go with it-).

"Where are we going later?"

Suna asked as he charged his iPad.

"You wanna go anywhere?"

"Where would I go mister?"

Suna wrapped his hands around Osamu as they started making out. After a while, Osamu had his hands on Suna's waist while Suna somehow sat on him. It was getting heated, but someone just had to ruin it.


Suna and Osamu were shocked at the sudden scream. After a few seconds of staying in that position, Suna snapped out of it and got off Osamu with a small "sorry". He opened the door angrily and gripped on the collar of Atsumu's shirt collar.

"I swear to god. Interrupt us one more time and I'll make sure you suffer."
He finished as he let go of Atsumu. Atsumu gulped and nodded his head.

"Why are you here anyways?"

"I just wanted to kill my brother. The room wasn't as big as expected!"

"Can you just be grateful you have Sakusa to pay for you..."


"Oh god, I'm too tired for this. Fuck off. Go suck his dick and choke on it."

Atsumu got offended as the door slammed in his face.

Suna returned to the bed where Osamu was on his phone. The mood got ruined...Ugh.


"Yes Suna?"

"I'm hungry..."

"Which kind of hungry?"

Osamu said as he looked up from his phone, smirking at a blushing Suna.

"F-food kind..."

"Aww, too bad then. Wanna go out?"

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