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If you take too long to hit me back

I can't promise you how I'll react

Suna was getting really impatient. He's been waiting for Osamu to finish work for almost 2 hours. The other promised to close up at 6pm, it's already 8. They were supposed to have a date at a really nice Italian restaurant, but Osamu just wasn't there.

But all I can say

Is at least I'll wait for you

He waited till about 8:45pm when his boyfriend finally decided to show up.

"You are 2 hours, 45 minutes and 18 seconds late."

Suna paused his timer on the phone and showed Osamu his screen.

"Rin, I know you're really upset but you need to understand there were a lot of customers today."

Osamu sat down and this was the first thing he said.

Lately, I've been on a roller coaster

Tryna get a hold of my emotions

"Okay, first of all, wow. Just wow. You showed up late and now I can't even get an apology."

Suna was really pissed.

"Sorry Rintarou"

He finally decided to apologize.

"I don't want your apology anymore. Osamu, if you knew you couldn't make it, we could've changed the time. You don't need to force yourself to-"

"I'm not? I'm genuinely trying to please you here!"

"You don't have to please me?"

"Your attitude says otherwise."

Suna wanted to yell at Osamu. He did, he would've slapped that jerk in the face. But then again.

But all that I know is I need you close

He needs Osamu. Without him, Suna wouldn't be able to pay for anything at all. Volleyball just didn't pay that much.


Osamu sighed and forgot about what happened there. He took a menu and ordered food for himself. Suna too decided to just forget about it, it would be better for the both of them anyways. They ordered their food, ate in silence and went home.

And I'ma scream and shout for what I love

Passionate but I don't give no fucks

Suna did question himself if he really loved Osamu, or if he just needed the money. But oh well, at least they both benefit each other. Suna needed the money, Osamu needed company. Maybe somewhere deep down in both of their hearts, they did love each other.

I admit that I'm a lil' messed up

But I can hide it when I'm all dressed up

They looked like the perfect couple, almost too perfect. Suna met Osamu's parents a few times, they loved him a lot. It was sad that it was all an act, maybe one day it wouldn't be anymore.

Osamu understands how needy Suna is sometimes, and the brunette appreciates that he puts up with him. All of Suna's exes left because of how needy he was.

I'm obsessive and I love too hard

Good at overthinking with my heart

When they went back to Suna's luxury apartment that Osamu bought for him 3 months ago, Suna decided to speak up.

"Hey 'samu, sorry about...just now...uhm..."

"If you're scared that I'm going to leave you, I won't. You can stop acting now."

'But I wasn't...'

He had a few tear drops in his eyes, threatening to fall any second, he could feel a panic attack coming in too. It hurt how Osamu thought it was an act, he was genuinely sorry, but what could he say?

"I-I'll go in the room and sleep. Goodnight."

Osamu hummed and sat on the couch, scrolling through his phone. Suna went back inside the room, took off his coat, changed into a random t-shirt that was probably Osamu's and the first pair of shorts he found inside his drawer. He crawled into his soft bed and hid himself under the sheets. He stopped holding it in and cried for a little bit, he wished he wasn't so fucking clingy all the time. He hated being so needy and having to rely on someone all the time.

How you even think it got this far?

Osamu decided it was too quiet and all he wanted at that moment was to hug something or someone and sleep. He walked inside the room and saw Suna fully under the sheets, he could hear him crying his eyes out and sighed once again. There were so many times when Osamu really wanted to give up, but then who would Suna rely on?

He sat on the bed and gently rubbed Suna's back, saying comforting things like, "It's okay" "I'm here" and sweet nothings. Suna was very fond of this side of Osamu, just small moments like this made him forgive everything that Osamu did.

And I can be needy, way too damn needy

I can be needy, tell me how good it feels to be needed

At least, Osamu didn't feel useless anymore, nor did Suna.

Osamu cuddled the fox-like boy after he calmed down and they fell into deep sleep. Everything was forgotten the next morning. Osamu left for work and Suna had volleyball practice.

I can be needy, so hard to please me

I know it feels so good to be needed


A fluffy and rather angsty chapter. How do you feel?

Votes are appreciated

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