Smut <3

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It's actually smut.

Classes were always boring, either you listen to them, you sleep, you get distracted, or you do other things, and other things for Osamu would be writing kinky shit onto a piece of paper, because, why not?

Him and Suna have been dating for a while now, both students have their own sexual needs, Suna being bold, loves testing osamu's limits. I mean, as he should🙄🤚🏻

"That's for today, remember to pass up your English Essay in 2 days, we'll have a pop quiz tomorrow so please study well, class dismissed."

And that's it for today's classes. Osamu packs his things and slides the paper he wrote his kinky to-do list on into one of his textbooks, then walks over to Rintarou's table to wait for him.

They got to the gym hall and proceeded with volleyball practice after they finished changing.


After volleyball practice...

"RinRin, have you seen Osamu's books?"

Atsumu asks.

"Should be near his bag, why?"

Suna looks at Atsumu out of curiosity as he searches around some of Osamu's books, and out of nowhere, a piece of paper slips out.

"Ehhhh, what's this?"

Atsumu picked it up and his eyes immediately widened and his jaw dropped.


Suna quickly changed and walked over, shocked to see that Osamu was into all of that.

Atsumu cringes and handed the paper to Suna as he quickly took Osamu's Math textbook and left the boys locker room.

"What's that?"

Akagi asked, very much curioused.

"Mind your own business"

Suna spat as he got his stuff and waited outside of the gym for Osamu.

While waiting, he went through the list of things Osamu wanted to do to him, and with that, he could feel himself getting a boner.

Ah shit..

"You ready to go?"

Osamu asks as he exits the gym.

Suna jumped a bit and kept the piece of paper into his pocket.

"Jesus- Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry sorry"

Osamu wrapped his arms around Suna and gave him a hug before they walked back to Osamu's.


The twin's parents wouldn't be home till 10pm and it was still 5pm, safest time to fuck? I think yes.

Atsumu was probably inside his room doing something stupid. Osamu and Suna went straight to Osamu's room when they got home, planning to study for the upcoming quiz.

Well, we all know that's bullshit but they did try studying.


Suna put down the pen he was spinning around and climbed onto Osamu's lap.

"Rin? What're you doing? We still need to finish studying"

Suna sighed and pulled off Osamu's tie and tied it around his hands.

"Is this enough?"

Osamu raised an eyebrow and held Suna's hips.

"What? Rintarou, is something wrong?"

"You saying my first name turns me on, I'm already tied up for you, what else do you want?"

"Hah?- Oh wait."

Suna smirked as he waved the piece of paper in front of Osamu.

"I read everything, kinky much~"

Suna grinded a little on the other's growing erection.

"Rin, w-we're not done yet"

"Fuck the homework, I'm horny"

"B-but, the quiz..."

"Screw that. Either do whatever you want to me now while I'm tied up, or you won't ever see me like this ever again, you choose~"

Suna whispered into his ear.

Osamu sighed as he picked Rintarou up and put him down on the bed, slowly undressing him and sucking on his collarbone while soft moans left the other's mouth. Suna laid back and got comfortable, putting his tied hands above his head.

"Keep quiet if you don't want Atsumu to hear how much of a cum slut you are"

Osamu said in a low tone, breathing into the brunette's ear.

"I'll try~"

Suna teased.

Osamu bit onto Rintarou's nipple as his other hand slowly stroked the other's member which was already soaked with pre-cum. Suna's breathing quickened and...


Okay no y'all are so horny and for what

They cheated on the quiz the next day, and did it again in the school bathroom. And there you have it <3

Remember to read Late Night Apologies

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