Rintarou's Birthday

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It was Rintarou's 18th birthday, and his parents planned a huge birthday party for him. The party was held in their mansion and a lot of relatives were invited. His parent's thought that he had a shit ton of friends but he only invited the Miya twins. He wanted to invite some of the old third years but they were all busy. Atsumu said he'd invite Sakusa as his plus one and since Sakusa is coming, he would try to drag Komori along with him. Komori and Rintarou only met once at a practice match in Rintarou's first year.

"Rintarou I want a list of people you're inviting."
His father stated.

"What? It's going to be less than 10 people, what list do you want?"
Rintarou asked, confused.

"Do you not have friends? Classmates perhaps?"
His mother asked.

"Yes, but I don't like them."

"Oh. Okay then, just give me the names of people you're inviting, I'll send them invitations or they're not entering the property. I don't want history to repeat itself..."

Was the only thing Suna said before sending the few names to his father through iMessage.

Izumi, Rintarou's older sister said as he walked out of his dad's office room.

"At least I don't fuck a different guy every week."


Osamu was at Rintarou's mansion an hour before Rintarou's birthday was going to start, his gift would be the first one Rintarou would open. He planned to help Rintarou get ready too. The fox-like boy's parents bought matching suits for Rintarou and Osamu so they could match. And yes their relationship was approved by both of Suna's parents.

"Hey darling, happy birthday"
Osamu pecked Suna on the lips before sitting down next to him.

"I've been waiting all day to hear your voice"
Suna had a huge smile on his face, he missed his Osamu after all.

"I'm sure you have."

"Mhm. You look really hot."

"You look stunning yourself."
Osamu admired his pretty boyfriend before handing him his gift,
"Oh right, your gift. It's not much but I spent the last dollar I have from my salary this month and used a bunch of my savings."

"You didn't have to. I'm telling you, a kiss and a date would have made me the happiest man alive. But then again, a gift is a gift."
Suna happily took the gift and started unwrapping it.

Rintarou poured some Moscato Rose Wine for Osamu and told him to sit down. He was still working on his eyeliner in front of his vanity but already looked awesome.

"You're 18 Rin, not 21. What's with the wine?"
Osamu chuckled before taking a few sips of the sweet and fizzy wine.

"It's low in alcohol, more sweet if you ask me. If you want something heavier, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind if we took a bit of their Port Wine instead."

"Geez no. I wanna be sober during your party"

"Whatever you say sweetheart. I'll be drunk by the end of this."
Rintarou said, quite proud of his plan.

"I want you to be sober, or else I'm not giving you your surprise."
Osamu warned.

Rintarou put down his eyeliner pen and looked at Osamu through the mirror,
"What surprise?"

Osamu shrugged, took another sip of the sweet wine before answering,
"Stay sober to find out."

Suna smiled and continued with his eyeliner.


Suna applied one last layer of Dior lip oil and finally decided he's ready.

"Okay, let's get this shit over with."
Suna downed his entire glass of wine and put the glass down.

Osamu put his hands around Suna's waist and chin on his left shoulder.
"You're gorgeous."
He looked at his boyfriend through the mirror and smirked.

"Yeah, I know. That's why, whenever you're sad, you have to remember you have a hot boyfriend like me."
Rintarou leaned his head on the other. And surprisingly, he said all of that with a straight face.

Osamu chuckled,
"Alright alright."

They left Rintarou's room and made their appearance, maybe 150 people were there? There was a banquet hall and a ballroom where most of the crazy party activity was held, the banquet hall was for mostly older relatives who didn't like loud parties. I mean, there's food?

Rintarou and Osamu entered the banquet hall and many people started wishing the brunette a happy birthday, he did realise there was a table full of presents anda box filled with envelopes, it was either money or happy birthday cards. Suna actually keeps the birthday cards that he receives, he has another special box for the letters and cards he gets from Osamu though.

Their table was at the front, there was a 5 layered cake on display but that was for later, there was a champagne tower, a confectionery table which Suna and Osamu loved, especially the chocolate fountain with marshmallows, and mostly the usual gourmet food you'd see.

Atsumu and Sakusa joined them after Komori couldn't make it but still asked Sakusa to bring Rintarou a gift to show respect.

Did they party a bit? Yes. Rintarou definitely stayed sober. It was very much worth it in the end. He got a new car from his parents too.


Ok now, for the moment you have all been waiting for.

Both boys returned to the room and locked the door shut behind them. Rintarou was sure he had a clear idea on what was going to happen and he loved it.

"You actually stayed sober"
Osamu mocked the brunette who in return only rolled his eyes.
"Roll your eyes again and I'll give you a proper reason to roll them"

"Ok, that's hot."
Rintarou admitted.

Rintarou was pushed onto the bed but they never broke eye contact. The sexual tension was definitely rising and one of them was probably hard. I wonder who.

"Well, since you did stay sober, I guess you deserve the gift then..."

Bye the rest is for you to imagine


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