Promise Rings

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During volleyball practice, Osamu went up to Suna and asked,

"Wanna go on a date?"

"That's sudden, but sure"

"7pm. You don't have to dress too properly."

"What does that even mean?"

"Something comfy"



They laughed it off and continued practicing.


Osamu picked Suna up from his house after practice and they drove in silence with Suna dozing off. He was tired.

"Rin, if you're tired you can sleep first"

"Nah, I'm good.."

Yeah no, he doze off like 15 seconds later but that's okay :"D


When they arrived, Osamu woke Suna up by ruffling his hair after opening the door to the passenger seat.

"Wakey wakey"


"We're here"


Both of them were in comfortable clothing, well yeah, if Osamu didn't tell Suna to change, he would've overdressed. Both of them were wearing hoodies and sweatpants, which got Suna curious. Where were they even going to have this date?

Suna looked around, they were in the middle of nowhere.

"Where are we?"

"Where do you think?"

Osamu opened the back of the car and took some things out including containers of food, blankets, pillows and more food.

Picnic? At this kind of time?

Suna offered to help hold the blankets and some pillows as they walked over to the place Osamu readied before he brought Suna there.


They walked for 2 minutes, maybe more until they reached a place with dimly lit lights, a short mini table and a mat underneath it.

"You got ready all of this?"

"Duh? Who else?"

"That's way too sweet of you."

Suna said, pecking him on the cheek, leaving a faint redness there.

Osamu got the food out and they started eating. There was some Tamagoyaki, Inarizushi, Onigiri, chilled potato salad, Korokke, Kara-age and some cold Mugicha that was in a flask to keep chilled.

"You made it yourself?"

Suna asks as he uses his chopsticks to eat a piece of the sweet tamagoyaki.

"Yes. Rin. I made every single thing here with my own hands."

"No wonder it tastes good"

"Glad you like it then"

They continued to eat, occasionally talking a little. They shared some of Suna's favorite chuupets and then kept all of the things that were on the mat so they had a place to lie down and cuddle under the blankets.



"Wanna get married when we grow older?"


"Like uhmmm, you know"

"And if I say no?"

"It's fine then..."

It went quiet again.

Osamu was sad.

Maybe it was a little too early for the marriage thing...

Osamu hugged Suna

"If you still love me, I'll let you marry me"

Suna suddenly said.

"Nono, it's fine if you don't want to-"

"Says the one who's about to cry"

"I'm not!"

Suna turned around and looked at him.

"Yeah sure"

"So is it a yes or no?"

"As I said, if you still love me, we could get married."



Osamu sat up and told Suna to do the same. He took a small little box out of the pocket of his sweatpants and opened it.

"A promise ring to seal the deal"

"You're so cheesy!"


"Shut up and put the ring on"

"Okay okay-"

Osamu slowly put it on Suna and they exchanged a kiss.

"This is all I can afford right now, I promise you a better one in the future"

Osamu whispered into Suna's ear.

"I'll be waiting then"

Suna giggled softly.

"I love you"

"I love you more"


Remember to read my other books.

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