Lazy Weekend~

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It was finally Sunday, a day where the both of them could finally interact and spend time with each other.

It was afternoon by the time they had settled and finish all of their work stuff,



"Can we cuddle?"


Suna played some soft Lofi on his bluetooth speaker and they both got on the bed. They cuddled for a while.

"How was your week?"

Osamu asked as he played with Suna's soft brown hair.

"Shitty I guess, yours?"

"Eh? Shitty? Why?"

"You haven't answered my question yet"

"Hah? Uhhh I guess it went well, all the business meetings were successful this time"

"Well lucky you then"

"Hrmmm, it was tiring, so I'm glad it's over. Still, what happened to you?"

"The coach probably hates me"

"And why do you say that?"

Osamu placed his whole face into Suna's hair, taking in the soft smell of the shampoo he used.

"He's a bit harsh I guess."

"Which volleyball coach isn't, hm?"

"I don't know..."

"What did he lecture you about this time?"

"He said my blocks were sloppy"

"You can be lazy sometimes"

"Oi, don't agree with him"


"It's not funny..."

"Sorry sorry"

He started leaving bite marks on Suna's neck.

"Wasn't this supposed to be just cuddling? If you were horny, you could've said so"

"I'm not~"

"Yeah yeah, anyways, my fingers hurt from blocking so much"


"I forgot to bring my knee pads on Thursday"

"And you do know i could bring it for you if you told me~"

"I didn't want to bother you"

"Heyhey, I married you so we could depend on each other"

"Yes, I know. But then-"

"No buts"


"So what happens when you need me next time?"


"Exactly, how's your knee?"

"Scratched it a bit"

"Ok...Wait what"


"You what?!"

"I scratched it-"


"And i oop"

"Please remember to call me next time..."

"Aight, so the worst part of the lecture was half the team was looking at me"

"Oh damn, panic attack?"

"Minor one"


"Can I have kisses?"



Osamu heard a few silent sniffs from Suna, and he knew what was next.

He gave Suna some kisses and switched the subject.

"Ok my turn, so during this one business meeting with the manager for the Tokyo branch, she spilt coffee on herself while we were having the meeting."


"I know right! She was just drinking it, then it suddenly spilled"

"Lmao how"

"To be honest, I do NOT know"

"And then? What else happened?"

"Ok then this girl i think she was around her mid twenties, she tried hitting on me"


"Wait wait, you haven't heard the best part"

"How is this-"

"Hush hush rinny, you're so talkative now and so quiet in bed"


"Nuh uh, wait, so my assistant saw it, and he was like, "He's married" and he took my hand and showed her my ring"

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, and she went so red"

"Lol, the fact that we've kept this from public, for so long too"

"I'm planning to give them the tea they want"

"Eh? You do know the consequences right?"

"I do, but-"

"So, no"

Suna said in a serious tone. He didn't need people coming at him.

"Chill, I won't if you don't want to"

"Meh, what else happened?"

"I thought I lost an important document, but it was in the car the whole time"

"Pffffft, what did you think happened tho, when you realized it was gone"

"I thought I recycled it or threw it away"

"Well at least you found it"

"Yeah, oh and something will arrive soon."

"What is?"

"You'll like it"

"I hate surprises and you know that"

"Well I love torturing you like that~"

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