After Working Hours

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Suna finished volleyball practice and went home to the apartment he and Osamu shared.

"I'm home!"

Suna said while taking off his shoes and putting on his indoor slippers.

"Welcome back princess!"

Osamu yelled from the Kitchen.


Suna asked, wrapping his arms around Osamu's waist and kissing him on the cheek.

"Mhm, made some sushi and udon for us to eat, I'm almost done"

He said, putting a little piece of sushi that was finished into Suna's mouth.

Suna ate it and said it tasted good.

"Take the chopsticks and spoons, dinner will be ready soon, or do you want to shower first?"

Osamu asked.

"I'm hungry~"

Suna whined.

"Alrighttt, I'm almost done, you can take the sushi out first"

Osamu pointed at a plate of sushi on the kitchen counter and Suna took them out, then took the eating utensils.

"Wahhh, smells good"

Suna said as Osamu put the bowl of Udon in front of him.

"Hope it tastes good"


The both of them said in unison before eating. Suna talked about his day and so did Osamu.


Suna dried his hair and came out of the bathroom in his white, silk bathrobe. He saw Osamu on the bed laying down, scrolling through his phone and decided to joke with him a little.

Suna crawled onto Osamu.


"Shut up"

Suna started kissing osamu and slowly started grinding on him, kissing his neck.

"Woah woah, Rin, what's wrong?"

"Which part of shut up did you not get?"

Suna whispers into his year, licking it, continuing sucking on his neck afterwards.

Osamu trembled a little, but then he remembered who was supposed to be in charge.

He flipped Suna over and pinned him down.

"And who told you I was bottoming tonight?"


"Weren't you all gung ho about this 2 seconds ago? And now you're being shy?"


"What's that?"

Suna looked away. He was embarrassed.

Osamu pulled the silk string and there laid Suna, a blushing mess. He kissed and licked Suna's chest, his well built body...

"You smell good~"


Long story short, they fucked. <33

I'm too holy to write smut parts <33333


Chile anyways, have the smut crumbs <33


Suna woke up to the bastard he wanted to fuck but got fucked by instead.


He looked under the sheets and the only thing he was wearing was his undergarment and he smelled of- Yeah- you know what-

He got up and slowly walked towards the bathroom to shower again. Halfway through, Osamu came in.

"Morning sunshine"

He said.

"Don't talk to me after fucking me last night"

Suna said from inside the shower.

"Says the one who gave loud moans-"


Suna opened the door to the shower and splashed water at Osamu.




Suna got back to showering and came out while Osamu was still washing up.

"That's a lot of hickies samu..."

"Well, you were the one who wanted to fuck-"

"And you turned the tables, typical you."

"I needed to walk too!"

"And i don't?"


"Exactly. I have practice in 2 hours, you're driving me there and we're going shopping for more concealer after that."

"Anything for you princess"

"Princess me again and I'll punch you"

Suna pecked Osamu on the cheek and left the bathroom to get ready.

The day started~

Teehee, this the smut you all been asking for- smh. Slow grinding onto your tops and moaning into their ear? Leaving little wittle hickies? Oh hell yes-

Welp, Im feeling better hsjhshssjhj

See you all soon!!

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