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smut warning...

Sucking Osamu's cock off under a goddamn table and risking his own reputation, risky? I think yes. Now, how in the world did Suna get himself in this situation?

Something in Suna's head told him to put on eyeliner that day to hopefully look better for the important business meeting he needed to attend with Osamu later on that day. It was a supposed collaboration, but it didn't end well since someone from the opposing company was being a bitch and declined. It was supposed to cost a lot of money but it all got cancelled. Osamu was kind of pissed that half his day was wasted by useless pieces of shits.

That was beside the point, he was turned on by how attractive his assistant looked for some reason, the eyeliner was just a bonus.

Suna could tell how stressed his boss was and tried apologising,
"Sir, I'm sorry about the meeting, I tried getting them to—"

Osamu interrupted the other before he could finish, telling the other to shut up.


After escorting Osamu back to his office room, Suna left to eat the lunch he bought from 'family mart' in the morning. He was really hungry either way. It was just a sandwich but hopefully it would keep his stomach full until dinner.

Just as he was about to eat a few more bites of his sandwich,

"Rintarou, Miya san wants to see you."
One of the employees said.

Suna sighed and put down his sandwich and went over to Osamu's office again, he still had a bit of bread crumbs near his lips that he didn't realise was there.

"Sir, you called for me?"

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that? Osamu is fine."
Osamu had to admit, Rintarou calling him sir did in a way turn him on.

"I'm sorry"
The brunette apologised again.

"And yes, I did call for you."
He pointed over at the couch and ordered the other to put down his blazer.

Suna already knew what was going to happen. He sat on osamu's lap afterwards and it was a comforting sort of silence. He closed all the curtains in his office and dimmed the lights a little with the mini tablet that had control over the whole room. Suna could hear his own heart beating in his head. Ever since he got hired, they've done it a few times and Suna actually enjoyed it somehow. Osamu needed something to let out his anger on and Suna was fine with it.

Osamu realised the bread crumbs and gently licked it off the other's face before making out with him.

"Don't let me see you with eyeliner ever again unless you want me to fuck you till you can't feel your ass the next day"
Osamu whispered before leaving kisses along his jawline.

That sentence sent shivers down Suna's spine but it was somehow arousing. And the next thing he knew, he was under Osamu's desk, sucking his cock off.

"Your mouth was meant for this"
He grabbed some of Rintarou's soft, brown hair, pushing his member deeper into his throat. It was a good thing that Suna had a trained gag reflex.

One of the managers suddenly burst into Osamu's office, scaring Suna a little. He would be fucked if he did get caught.

"Hey boss! How did the meeting go?"
Akagi, the general manager of the company asked.

"First of all, learn how to knock. And no it didn't go well."
Osamu sighed.

Suna wanted to stop but Osamu only shoved his member right back into the brunette's mouth. Him being shocked, accidentally bumped his head on the base of the table.

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