Midnight Snack

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(Okay another fluffy oneshot of our two inarizaki foxes going out for a midnight snack. Remember to vote so my views go higher and we get a new mafia au)

Suna loved doing this. Calling Osamu at 2am just because he craved a certain food. And by surprise, he craved soft serve ice cream, frapp and chicken rice bento.

He was actually questioning if he wanted to ask Osamu to take him out and eat. Suna couldn't do it on his own since he still had a year left till he was at legal age to get his own drivers license. Oh well.

He picked up his phone and gave Osamu a call which he picked up after 3 rings.

"Osamu, i'm hungry"
Was the first thing Suna said. Not a "hi baby" or anything. Just "I'm hungry."

"No. You have got to be kidding me, babe it's 2am. Almost 3"
Osamu sounded tired.

"We can just go to family mart since it's our only option other than McDonald's"
Suna wasn't giving up, he wanted food.

"Rintarou, can you wait till morning?"
Osamu asked.

"No, I don't wanna have to deal with gastric"

"Is there any food you can eat downstairs?"
Osamu referred to the kitchen downstairs in Suna's house.

"My mom might scold me for being awake so late and say some shit like I'll get fat or something"
Suna rolled his eyes even thinking about his mom.

Osamu gave a sigh and agreed to be there soon. Suna was very happy as he got his way again. He quickly got some pants on as he usually slept in his boxers, what? It's comfy. He only took 550¥ with him and his phone. He crawled out of his room that was on the second floor and jumped over the fence. Osamu's car pulled up not long after and Rintarou got in the passenger seat.

"Thanks for getting me"
Suna kissed Osamu on the cheek and then on the lips before sitting back down so Osamu could drive. The nearest family mart was about 20 minutes away.

"I'm guessing you were on Instagram again and you saw someone buy something from family mart and now you want it"
Osamu guessed. It was what usually happened.

Suna smiled and rolled down the window, he liked it when the other would speed up and wind would get in.

"You better stop doing this, if my mom catches me sneaking out again she'll ground me"

"Hm, if she knew it was me, bet she wouldn't"

"I guess, but your mom could get very pissed and then she won't let me see you ever again"
Osamu stated.

"True but I'm hungry and you're taking care of me so I doubt that'll happen"

"Always think about the consequences Rin."

"Ooh kinky, love it"

Osamu sighed again and shook his head. They reached the family mart and Suna was indeed a happy fox who got all the food he wanted. Osamu also got some food for himself and they ate in the car afterwards.

Suna ended up staying over at Osamu's place after their little midnight snack and he borrowed Osamu's uniform for school the next day. Fun night? I think yes.

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