Energy Drinks

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He hated it. Osamu hated the way everyone chose his brother over him, yes they were identical twins but their personalities are total opposites. Atsumu had everything and everyone, he would have the spotlight of the entire room, he had a shit eating grin everywhere he went. Osamu hated it. No matter how hard he tried, he'd still be compared.

Cuts appeared on his arms,

Just a little bit more

Eyebags grew from the sleepless nights,

A bit more...

Grades fell from the way he gave up,

Just a bit more...

Room locked away from all the bullshit his parents would yell at him for absolutely no reason at all.

Just a tiny bit

But no one realised.

He had 1 week left until his 16th birthday, not like anyone cares anyways. He planned to end it all. He was born on that day, might as well die on the same day. He wished someone realised, he really did. He wished his parents listened, he wished people cared more, he wished he was better, he wished he was enough.

Before the week that led to his death, some interesting things did happen for once. While sipping on his energy drink again, classical music played from the level below. Osamu got up and left the rooftop to check out what was happening.

"Lift your leg higher and stop being lazy"

"I'm trying"
The brunette said.

"Doesn't look like it"
The other woman who had a high bun said.

"Yeah yeah whatever"

"How are you going to perform in the upcoming performance with that shitty attitude of yours?"

"If you're going to be a little piece of shit towards me, I think I have the fucking rights to do it back."

"Rintarou. You're going to be the first man in fucking history to be the lead dancer in the sugar plum fairy you stupid prick. The whole of Japan is going to see this. You better practice properly and not fuck it up."
His friend warned.

"Don't call me by my first name you bitch. They shouldn't have given me such a demanding role anyways!"
The person now known as Rintarou yelled.

"You know what, practice on your own."


The other woman stormed out of the dancing studio.

Woah, caught in 4K. This is interesting.

The brunette groaned in frustration and took off his pointe shoes, throwing them across the room, only to pick them up 20 minutes later.

Osamu pitied the brunette but at the same time found it entertaining. For the rest of the week, instead of stopping by the rooftop, he sneaked around to the studio and watched the other practice over and over again. Osamu continued to peek from the back door, he admired him. Must be hard and pressuring to perform.

"There's someone outside"
One of the girls whispered.

"He's probably here to stare at Mizuko"

Who the hell is Mizuko?
Oh right. Mizuko was this pretty green tea bitch who was supposed to have a solo for the dance of the sugar plum fairy but life declined her.

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