Hey Stupid I Love you

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Tired. Practice has been more intense for the EJP Raijins. Suna has been working hard, competitions are coming up. Miya Onigiri got famous when Atsumu told the news about his twin brother's store. More than 32 branches of the store started opening worldwide. Tired, both of them weren't just tired, they were extremely exhausted, they didn't even have time for each other anymore. The only times they would be together is between 12-4am. Suna would be back at the little condominium they both shared by 9pm and Osamu would be back around 11pm or 12am. It would be a short 'good morning' before one left.


Nothings wrong, and it's not what I'm used to.

Does it surprise you too? When it's simple, is it easier than it should be?


"Hey, 'Samu, uhmmm"

"Rin? Is there something wrong?"

"We have a match on Sunday, you coming?"

"O-oh, damn Suna, I'm not sure if I can make it, there's a branch with-"


"Rin wai-"

Suna ended the call and that was the longest conversation they've had for the past 2 months. The call was around 2 weeks ago. Still, nothing from Osamu. Suna never tried to apologize either. It was quiet.


Nothings wrong, but when you're not in my arms, I send voice notes, you send hearts,

and get quiet, and I know that means you miss me.


The match against MSBY black jackals lasted for a few hours. After they finished, Suna agreed to tag along with Atsumu since he wanted to visit Osamu anyway. They took an uber all the way to one of the Onigiri Miya branch, hoping Osamu was there.


You're jealous, you shouldn't be. I want you obsessively, but I know how complicated it can get. When you're not in front of me, I know insecurities get in your head.


"Hi welcome to- Miya-san?!" A waiter there greeted them and realized it was Atsumu.

"Heyyy, um is my brother here today?"

"Yeah, he's-"

"Eh?! Why are you here?"

"Can't even visit my own brother?" Atsumu said, acting offended.

"No that's not what i meant...Wait, Rin?!"

"And I'm not allowed to see my boyfriend?"

"I never said that-"



But I'm not gonna interrupt, if you need to talk about it.

Roll my eyes or get offended by the way you doubt it.


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