Cold water

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Osamu came back from the store with 4 boxes of chocolates and plopped down on the couch. Suna was in their bedroom having some sweet dreams.

Osamu just ate and ate and ate while watching weird ghost documentaries. Halfway through it, one of the investigators started screaming, and the volume was on 50 so it scared the shit out of Suna who then almost jumped out of bed.

The little fox angrily walked out of the room and slammed the door shut behind him.

Probs on his period...

Suna opened the fridge and poured some cold water into a cup, walked over to Osamu, and poured it on his head.

"Rintarou! What the fuck?!"

"You bitch, all I ever wanted. WAS TO SLEEP."


Suna took a box of the chocolates and went inside the room and locked the door. Osamu was freezing cold so he tried going back into the room.

"Rinnn, please open up, i'm freEzINg"

"Freeze you fucking idiot"

"I- Suna!"

"Do I care? Nope. How many fucks do I give? None. So freeze."

Osamu went back outside and took off his shirt that was soaking wet. He plopped back on another side of the couch that wasn't wet and turned down the ac, then wrapped a blanket over himself and shivered a bit.

Suna felt bad,

Idiot deserves it...

He didn't give it anymore thoughts and went back to sleep, leaving Osamu out to freeze.


8pm {4hours after the water incident}

Suna woke up and wondered why he wasn't being cuddled. He looked out the window and then at the time,

Night already?...

Then he remembered Osamu who was still outside.


He quietly opened the door and went outside to see Osamu sleeping on the couch with a thin blanket wrapped around him and wet clothes on the floor. He went back into the room, got a random t-shirt he could find in his and Osamu's closet then went back out to pull it over him.

Suna crawled onto Osamu and layed in the middle, hopin to give him some warmth before he got sick.

"Eh?...I thought you said you didn't care about me?..."

"Sorry...I love you"

Osamu put his face into Suna's hair and took in the sweet scent, cuddling Suna.

"I love you too"

They skipped dinner and fell asleep on the couch...

aHAhahAH, cuTE chapTEr fOR yOu aLL.

ahem so lemme rant abit

today, december 11th, is my birthday, wanna know something? 99.5% of people who wished me happy birthday were all people I've met online :D

My irl "friends" forgot about me :D

Fuck my life, anyways, see you all next time.

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