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Rintarou was supposed to be at one of his friend's birthday parties at a club, he was completely gone after his 8th shot, someone probably spiked one of them. He was shocked that he didn't wake up in someone else's bed, it wasn't some fancy hotel room or a shitty motel. It was his own room, his own apartment. He woke up in clean clothes and was starting to wonder on who the fuck brought him home because there was no way he managed to drive home himself.

Once he got up from his bed and put on his slippers, the hangover started to kick in and he slowly walked towards his kitchen to find sandwiches on a plate, orange juice, water and pain killers for his head. The water was warm, the person who prepared all of this probably didn't leave that long ago, or perhaps they were in his apartment too?

Rintarou walked over to the guest room and opened the door.


Ah, his ex husband. They divorced about 2 years ago.

Suna had found out Osamu cheated on him.

"'Samu, I'm only going to ask you this once. Did you cheat on me?"
He prayed. He prayed that it was all just a stupid rumor, it was nothing but the internet cooking up drama again. But the pictures...maybe they were photoshopped?

Osamu was definitely taken back by the question, but there was no avoiding the truth now.
"I'm sorry."

You know that indescribable feeling of your heart sinking all the way to the bottom of your stomach when you find out something you weren't supposed to, maybe received a text you dreaded, news that you didn't want to hear?

All sorts of emotions rushed through Suna.

"Look, I was drunk, it meant nothing, I promise."
Osamu tried holding Suna's hand.

"Don't you dare touch me."
He yelled.
"4 years. 4 fucking years of our marriage and you cheat on me with some whore that you've only met for less than a day? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry.."

"Yeah. You should be. I don't want to see your fucking face."

"Rintarou, please listen-"

Suna took his things and left the restaurant that they were at. He stayed at a hotel for a bit and didn't return back to the apartment he and Osamu shared.

Anger, sadness, he was confused with his own feelings, Osamu tried calling him multiple times but Suna only shut his phone off, ignoring everything.

It took him 4 days to get his entire mind cleared and collect divorce papers from his lawyers. If Osamu could throw their entire marriage away, might as well get divorced. He then returned to the apartment for Osamu to sign them. Osamu was relieved to see his husband but when Suna threw the divorce papers onto the table, asking him to sign them, he immediately broke down again.

"Rintarou, please think this through"

"There's nothing to think about."

"Rin please..."

"Just sign the papers."

It took Osamu 4 hours of begging and crying his eyes out to realise Suna had already mentally prepared himself for all of this, he accepted the fact that Rintarou was done and unwillingly signed the paper. Suna showed no emotion, he was sad but he didn't want to get hurt again. He took off his ring and placed it in Osamu's hand before leaving the apartment for good. It was the first time he took off his ring ever since their wedding.

Osamu looked just like how he remembered him to be. He was still asleep on the guest bed that Suna would prepare for guests. For a moment there, Rintarou thought he was hallucinating, Osamu wasn't really there, his mind was just fucking with him. He reached out for Osamu's hand, holding it for a while.

He's really there.

Rintarou knew the moment wouldn't last, when the other woke up, Suna would never get to see him ever again. He swore that he would never regret letting go of Osamu, but sometimes he wished he gave the other a second chance.

Osamu woke up about 30 minutes later, he could hear little sniffles and someone was definitely holding his hand.

Osamu spoke.

It was the first time Suna had heard his voice in a few years and damn did he miss it. He let go of his hand and wiped away his tears before he got up from the floor.

"Thanks for taking me home last night.."
It was soft, but enough for Osamu to hear him.

"It's fine. Just be more careful when drinking alone next time."


Osamu sighed, he felt like the brunette didn't really want him there in the first place.
"Sorry for crashing, I was a bit too tired to drive last night"

"It's ok"
Was all Suna managed to say.

"Were you crying?"
Osamu asked.


"You sure?"

Suna gave no response. A part of him wanted Osamu to get out of his face, another part of him wanted Osamu to stay forever, just like they had promised when they said their vows.

"Well, if there's nothing else, I'll be going now."
Osamu got up from the bed and walked towards the entrance of the door. He did want to stay but remembering what he did a few years ago just made him feel more guilty.

'C'mon this is your last chance...'
Suna thought to himself.

The brunette took a deep breath before walking towards Osamu, giving him a hug before he left. It took the other by surprise but Osamu just hugged him back.

"Don't go.."
Tears filled his eyes again.

He stayed.

Maybe love does conquer fear after all...


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My personal account: tiffxny.dior
OsaSuna Stories: osasuna.shots
SakuAtsu Stories: sakuatsu.shots

So, was it a nice cry? Did you cry your eyes out? Do you really deserve smut? I don't think so. This is your punishment for being so horny. Naughty kitten 😺

Anyways, im collecting my new uniform and books at Klang tmrw and ill be at Sunway Pyramid to collect my new glasses. Ya'll want pictures or nah? Follow rinny.tsunami on Instagram for my sexy ass pics <3

I don't think i deserve to talk to y'all like this but then again... I think you all should start paying me for writing...🤨

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