Yeah, I lied.

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They fought. Again. It started from Osamu going through Suna's things as a joke to revealing dirty little secrets he shouldn't have known in the first place.

"Kita san is cute ngl"

"Kita hugged me today. I think I had a gay panic attack"

"I honestly question if Osamu actually likes me"

"Am I dating him out of pity?"

He found a box where Suna kept his thoughts.

A box he should never have found.

Rintarou finished his phone call with his mom and went inside his room, only to see Osamu on the floor, he went through almost all the little pieces of paper Suna scribbled his thoughts on.


"You never told me you had a CRUSH on Kita san..."

"That was from a long time ago..."

"Are you dating me out of pity?..."


"You stuttered."

"Samu I-"

"You fucking stuttered!"
He stood up, looked back, tears in his eyes.

"Is our relationship a joke to you?!"
He yelled at Suna.


Osamu threw the box, all the pieces of paper scattering all over the floor.

"You fucking lied to me!"
Osamu yelled.

Suna just kept quiet. His head hurt. He felt as if he was going to faint. He couldn't take so much pressure.

He felt as if...something in him was going to snap...

And, the last string to his sanity snapped.

"You know what?...Yeah, I lied! I fucking lied!"

Osamu covered his mouth and looked at the floor, hot tears streaming down his face like a river.

"You should've never gone through my box in the first place, our relationship was fine."

Osamu kept silent.

"Say something bitch"

Osamu still kept silent.

He felt, broken. To know it was all one sided. It hurt.

"So what that I fucking lied. So what? Hm?"

Osamu then felt something slap him.

It burned.

By the time he was crying on the floor, Suna came to his senses that he did something horrible.


"Samu I'm sor—"

"Save it...You hurt me..."

He tried hugging Osamu only to be pushed away.

"You know what...go get Kita san. Since you love him so much!"

"Wait! Samu I'm sorry!"

Osamu got up and tried walking away.

It was Suna's turn to start crying.

He kept saying he was sorry.

Good news here. It was a dream.

Suna woke up in cold sweat. He looked next to him. Osamu was sleeping.

He got up from the bed and took his box of thoughts and threw them into the trash can. He never wants it to be found.

He goes back to bed, kisses Osamu's and goes back to sleep.

"I love you Samu, goodnight..."

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