Friends with Benefits

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What do you think of friends with benefits? What if Suna was the one who was providing the money... Oh no, that's kind of hot. No shit Sherlock, that's hot.

Rintarou was having lunch with his childhood best friend, Osamu Miya. His friend was struggling a lot financially and his shop wasn't doing well.

The waiter handed them the menu,

"Just order what you want."
Suna said without looking up from the menu.

"It's fine. I'll just get a glass of water."
Osamu knew he didn't have enough in his bank account and he was very close to maxing out his credit card.

"Really? You mentioned you were really really really really extremely hungry when we were in the car."

"I didn't think we'd come to a pricey cafe..."

"Osamu Miya. Do you really think I'm going to let you pay? How low do you think of me?"
Rintarou crossed his arms, faking how offended he was.

"I- Nono, it's not that-"

"Geez, I'm kidding. You look so freaked out. Chill."

Osamu laughed it off and pretended that didn't happen. Suna told him to get whatever he wanted and he still got the cheapest sandwich off the menu. Rintarou got a chocolate milkshake and waffles with ice cream. Him and Osamu used to eat that all the time when they were in highschool. Rintarou placed the order and got an extra milkshake for Osamu too since he didn't want his friend to go hungry.

"How's work?"
Suna asked.

"Oh, well, business hasn't been too good this month but it's improving."
Osamu lied. Business was going very slow this month and he can barely sell anything. His employees are slowly quitting one by one and the ones who stayed are being extremely underpaid.

"That's good to know."
RIntarou smiled, he was very worried for Osamu. If sales don't go up soon, Osamu might lose his store, his house and his car and almost everything under his name.

"Yeah...Ah, right. How's volleyball going?"

"It's great! We just got a huge bonus for winning in a match between another division 1 team."
Rintarou continued to talk about volleyball until the food came.

Osamu was honestly starting to regret not going pro. Maybe if he did, he wouldn't be suffering. Maybe Atsumu was right...

The brunette took a few pictures of his food and asked for another plate. He just knew Osamu would want some of his waffles but was too embarrassed to ask.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Suna asked, realising Osamu was zoning out.

"Y-yeah, a bit stressed, that's all"

Suna sighed, reaching out for Osamu's left hand.
"'Samu, I want you to know that if you need anything, I mean anything at all, you can always come to me okay?"

"Rin, you know I'll feel guilty if I do that."
It was nice to have the Rintarou Suna hold his hand but this wasn't the time for that.

"You don't have to. I mean, it's what friends are for right?"

'Hm, friends...'
Osamu got sad at the thought of being just friends with Suna. However, who was he to talk?

Just as Suna was about to speak again, the waiter returned with the extra plate and Osamu's sandwich. When Osamu saw the extra milkshake, he was confused since he didn't order it. When the brunette explained that he got it for Osamu, he tried cancelling it but Suna still insisted.

"Enjoy your food."
He said before excusing himself.

"What's the extra plate for?"
Osamu asked, confused on why Suna was splitting his food.

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