Happy New Year!

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Rintarou, Osamu and Risako drove to the family beach house a few hours before 12am. By the time they reached, it was around 9pm. A few hours before the new year.

The beach house was huge. It had two stories. The second with a huge balcony. Behind was a beach where Osamu and Rintarou spent their wedding anniversary many times, even almost fucked on that same exact beach once– Okay no-

It was Risako's first time at the beach house.

"Don't break anything inside okay?"

Rintarou said. He really didn't want her to accidentally ruin anything.

"I promise I won't mama"

Risako replied.

"We can let her sleep in the guest room while we sleep back in ours?"

Osamu whispered to Rintarou while taking out their luggage from the back of his car.


Risako took her small grey luggage. Rintarou entered his passcode and the doors opened, they all went in. Risako was shocked to see the house. It was her first time after all. She was happy. When they entered, there was a shoe rack on the left and a lot of comfy looking slippers on the right. Rintarou put a pair of grey slippers in front of Risako.

"Welcome to the family beach house"

He smiled at her.

"Wow! Thank you mama!"

Risako do be loving gray.

"I have some snacks and there should be some fireworks in the storage room. We can go to the beach for the count down. We should talk about our goals later too"

Osamu said.

Rintarou showed Risako her room. It was a little small but Risako was okay with it. There was a single bed at the corner of the room and a nightstand with a lamp on top. There was also a power socket for Risako to charge her phone. There was a table with an office chair and a place to put her little luggage, a bathroom and some white towels. She put down her luggage, took off her slippers and flipped down on the bed. The bed sheets were white and silky. She loved it.

"You like this room?"

Rintarou asked.

"A lot, mama!"

"Very well then. Take your time to settle down and be downstairs by 10pm. Mama and daddy will be downstairs, then we'll go to the beach later, okay?"


Rintarou closed her door gently and went downstairs.

"This place brings back a lot of memories, dear"

Rintarou said.

"Of course it does, especially the beach where we-"

"Hush. Risako is upstairs. She doesn't need to know you and your horny ass almost did me on the beach."

"Welp, you said it yourself-"

"I- okay anyways, after the countdown, I want Risako to go straight to bed. It would be way past her bedtime."

"Okay okay"

Osamu took a pot and boiled some tea for Rintarou and himself. Then took a custom made mug that was made just for Risako with her name in black and a little fox on the white surface.

"You think she'll like it?"

"I hope she does"

He washed the mug and made some hot chocolate for her. By the time all the snacks and the tea was ready, he set the table and waited for Rintarou to go get Risako.

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