Race 2

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"Arara gomen! I didn't realize my keys would scratch your car!"


Suna screamed at the blonde.

"He's the rebellious one, right?"

Aran asked Kita which he got a nod as yes.

"You can't just go around scratching other cars like that!"

Suna yelled again, getting out of the car to check the scratch which was pretty huge.

"Eh? Well you can't just show up on the race track without warning"

He mocked.

"You think I wanted this?!"

"You fucking showed up here! On your own! What kind of question is that!"

"Oh please! I had no idea this shit even existed!"

Another guy with green messy hair and some freckles rushed over.

"Tsuki! That's enough!"

He yelled.

Suna looked at him, then back at the so-called "Tsuki" in front of him.

"Yamaguchi urusai"

He gave his death stare to Yamaguchi before looking back at Suna.

"Gomen Tsuki!"

Freckles kun apologized.

"Tsuki huh"

Suna said, looking him up and down.

"It's Tsukishima to a peasant like you"

Tsukishima spat.

"Peasant? Wow, a slut who probably fucks someone 8 times a week calls me a fucking peasant"

Suna said, looking at his nails then back at Tsukishima.

"What did you say?"

Tsukishima looked as if he was about to punch the shit out of Suna. Suna didn't give two fucks. He knew, one punch could send the blonde flying across the streets.

The crowd was hyped on the two of them fighting, some were worried, some were debating if they wanted drama or just for the two to stop.

Just then, someone spoke through the speakers and got almost everyone's attention.

"Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, please return to car bay 10 before Suga and Daichi kills us. This is Hinata ShoyoOOOo-"

There was a loud thud, the kind of thud that would be made when the mic drops, then a screech, then a lot of background noises.

"What in the world?"

Osamu thought, looking outside their car bay.


Kita looked around.

Atsumu ran outside to a point where he could see car bay 10.

A person with orange hair and black were fighting over the mic which the person with black eventually got a hold of after he pushed the other.

"May I please have your attention. Saltyshima get your ass back here before Suga san returns and Daichi san realizes you aren't here. Yamaguchi too. This is Kageyama Tobio from car bay 10. Thank you"

The speaker goes back to the normal music that would be played after the practice street races end. Tsukishima gives Suna another stare before walking off. On the other hand, Yamaguchi bowed politely and apologized for Tsukishima's rude behaviour and paid Suna a huge amount of money for him to fix the scratch before the official race.

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