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Racing AU


Suna was speeding around the roads at midnight. It was his usual midnight drive. Starbucks in the cupholder, one hand on the steering wheel and the other has its arm against the window.

Somewhere around a t junction, he was supposed to go right but he just sped forward. He was pretty pissed anyways. Why? His so called girlfriend cheated on him because he was too "toxic" towards her. He stepped on it and sped faster, all the way towards a dark alleyway where he saw a few other cars and a whole crowd of people. Just like magic~

What the heck?

There were a whole bunch of people cheering for different teams. Some waved their red flags while some had white and yellow, some even had black, but there were two different black ones...

Weird...Where the hell am I?...

"Wait wait! I think the guy behind is late!"

Me?..Wait what?

A guy, maybe a girl? She's wearing a skirt tho- Walked towards Suna's car and knocked on his window. He pressed the button and it slowly opened.

"You here for the race?"

He asks.


"Let me guess, you came here by accident?"


"Well, there's no turning back. Kozume Kenma, I'm the host for today. I need your full name."

"Suna Rintarou"

Kenma looked in front and people were all looking at him.

"We have a newcomer! Let us welcome Suna Rintarou!"

The crowd cheered and Suna was just clueless on whatever the heck was going on.

"You have a phone?"

Kenma asked.


Kenma reached his hand out and Suna gave him his phone.

"All you have to do is get back here first, alive, you can do that?"

"I'll try I guess..."

"Good luck"

Kenma moved away and told the crowd that they would be starting. He went back to the little stage area he had and got the pistol before shooting it into the air after the count of 3. All the cars sped off and Suna tried to catch up with the others. He never expected to actually encounter this.

There were 6 other cars in front of him (according to his phone who tracked all the other cars), he surpassed the first one and took a quick glance towards the other's window. He had yellow hair and a pair of specs. The other guy looked at Suna and sped off faster. Suna just stepped on it harder and passed him.

The other car in front of him was white and looked fancier. The car was on the right, so he tried taking a left turn, he wanted to surpass whoever it was anyways. But this other guy in front of him was smart. He realized quickly that Suna was trying to surpass him so he took a left turn with it.


It took Suna a while to actually surpass this dumbass.

Stubborn much...

He sped forward and took a right turn, following all the other cars. Within 2 minutes, he surpassed the other 2 and sped even more. He's never driven this fast his whole entire life!

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