Live Stream

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So somehow, Osamu found out about Korean stir fried noodles. Yes, those spicy packets of noodles where people torture themselves. He bought a packet back to try on live because, why not?

Rintarou had nothing better to do either so he joined in.

Risako was studying in her room so they weren't too worried.

"Okay so today we are eating these Korean stir fried noodles. I've heard of these online so I got curious. Rinny is just here to suffer with me"

Osamu said while Suna only waved next to him.

(Fun activity: Make the comments look like the livestream chat box)

After a bit of talking, they finally took a bite out of the noodles and it sure as hell was spicy af.

"Oh, the spicy-ness is starting to kick in"

Suna said with a blank face. He was crying on the inside and wondering why he agreed to do this challenge with Osamu.

"This is my 4th bite and I wish to die"

Osamu joked.

"You dragged me into this"

Suna reminded him.

Suna finished his entire cup of water already and it has only been 3 minutes.

At some point, Suna left to get milk because he couldn't stand how spicy the noodles were. Osamu went to check up on Rintarou because he was worried.

And yes. Risako's moment to shine (or not). Poor Risa was supposed to get some snacks because she was tired from studying. She saw her parent's bowl of noodles and got very very very curious.

She did realize how there was a phone in front of the noodles but had absolutely no idea on what was going on. She used Suna's chopsticks to get one small bite of the noodles and that was enough to get her on the verge of crying.

Suna and Osamu came back from the pantry with two cups of milk to quickly finish the challenge.

"Papa, my tongue hurts"

Risako put out her hands showing that she wanted Osamu to carry her. She had droplets of tears in her eyes already. Poor child.

"Risa, please tell me you did not eat the noodles."

Suna gave her head pats and she nodded her head. Osamu ended the live stream and they had to give Risako a lot of cold water :((

That is exactly why you should never let children eat Korean spicy ass stir fried noodles. Welcome to my ted talk.


Cry, start crying now. Poor Risako oml

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And read Finding Happiness >:((

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