Chapter 72

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As Taehyung felt the low quality hardwood floor below his feet and opened his eyes to take a look at the school's gymnasium, he let out an audible gasp:

It was unrecognizable.
No mats, no hoops, no goalposts, no softballs scattered all over the room, no students running their laps while sweating heavily.
Instead, the whole room was completely empty, emitting a slightly rosy glow and overall an almost mystical vibe.

Speakers hung at every corner aswell as LED lamps and there stood two long tables lined up in the background, a pearly white tablecloth draped over them with several bottles, crystal glasses and three layer plates placed on them, their sweet little snacks immediately making his eyes widen. Blue roses decorated them beautifully.

"Oh my god... This is amazing, it looks like fairyland inside here!," he gushed, staring at his two redheaded friends in awe, the pair smiling at him fondly.

"We knew you'd like it. The preparations took quite a while, though. The lighting was hard to manage, but I can see it was worth it?" Jimin grinned at him proudly, him nodding excitedly and pulling him and Chaeyoung into a tight hug.

"Why wouldn't you let me help with the preparations, I feel bad now! Everything's just so-- thank you, thank you! No real prom night could ever top this!," he cried, his voice slightly muffled.

"It's your lucky day, you deserve this. Don't you dare feel bad... You want a drink? We heard you're a lightweight, so Mrs. Jeon made some low alcohol drinks, but still enough to get you in the mood," Chaeyoung smiled, gesturing him towards the fancy tables. The blonde immediately complied, smiling like a little child who was just gifted the hugest candy bar in its life.

He was so impressed- mesmerized, even-, that he did not notice the fact that Jungkook was not even there yet. And for the moment, he didn't care.

As he nipped at a pink-ish drink filled into a delicately cut crystal wineglass, he took another look at the little cakes and biscuits placed all over the three layer plates, his mouth slightly watering as his fingers gripped a little heart-shaped pastry with a red filling inside it.

"They have strawberry fillings inside them, my mom had so much fun making them," a voice suddenly whispered into his ear from behind, him dropping the pastry in slight shock and turning around abruptly, a little gasp leaving his mouth.

"Oh my-- Jungkookie!" He did not hesitate to engulf the new guest in a very tight hug, feeling as if it had been months since he'd last seen his boyfriend, though it had only been a day and half.

"Aw. Did you miss me that much, baby?," Jungkook asked softly, patting his back affectionately.
As they loosened the hug, Taehyung nodded bashfully.

"Yes, actually. You look so handsome tonight, oh my god. I've never seen you wear a suit before. And your hair is getting longer again, holy shit!," he rambled excitedly, the younger boy's ears turning red at the compliments he received and a wide bunny-like smile making its appearance all over his face.

Taehyung definetely wasn't lying, the ravenette looked like a literal god with his slightly long hair slicked back, revealing his forehead in all its glory and a quite fancy-looking suit fitting his body like it was tailored for him personally...

"And you look like an angel, my beautiful, little angel. You know you're the most beautiful person in this whole world whatever you do, but tonight you really outdid yourself," he whispered into the blonde boy's ear, tucking a strand of curly hair behind his ear.

"The night hasn't even started properly and you're already making me melt, stop it," Taehyung whined, hiding his face in his lover's brand new suit jacket, said lover laughing at his cuteness.

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