Chapter 27

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Dear diary...

A few days ago, I got drunk. For the first time in forever!
Should I be proud or ashamed of myself?

Well, it was Jungkook's idea and since I didn't want to spoil the fun, I tried it but eventually, I ended up drinking way more than him.
Oh, and one thing I realized: I'm probably a lightweight.

And here comes the bad news: I did so many embarrassing things! I may have straight up flirted with him and I even cuddled with him!
I even remember waking up on his chest with his arms around me, what if he thinks I like him now?!

I mean, I do (understatement, I'm in love with him!), but for our friendship's sake, he can't know, but I already told you this a million times, didn't I?

It's been a few days, I've played dumb and asked him if I did anything weird that night and he said no.
Either he doesn't want to make me feel uncomfortable or he wants to erase these moments from his memories or something.

And the last few days it's been so awkward! As if it wasn't enough that I am constantly thinking about my stupidity and being embarrassed, Jungkook is being so... I don't know... Careful around me!
Honestly, the awkwardness is unbearable. Thank god we don't have much opportunities to talk right now since Jungkook has a lot of football training going on and, well, I'm hanging out with Jimin a lot. And Mark.

Who, by the way, still flirts with me, a lot. It's not like I mind that much, I kind of got used to it.
I kind of feel bad for trying to use him as a distraction (which is still not working!) but oh well...
This is too complicating to think about, argh!

So, dear diary, before my head explodes into a million pieces because of overthinking, I think I'm going to stop.

Have a nice day!

-Taehyungie ♡


"B minus."
A loud slam! could be heard, the exam papers being whacked onto the dining table.

The blonde boy flinched, keeping his eyes trained on the wooden table beneath him.
"I'm sorry, father. It won't happen again."

"It won't happen again?! It shouldn't have happened in the first place! Do you know what this means for your grades? And, by all matters, it's maths, the most important subject!" Mr. Kim's enraged voice boomed through the whole room, his wife not saying anything and just staring at the floor, similar to Taehyung.

Taehyung lowered his head even more. "I'm sorry, I couldn't concentrate on studying--"

"You couldn't CONCENTRATE?! More like you were being a LAZY, SPOILED BRAT who doesn't know how to take care of responsibilities!
You already failed at being a proper man, the least you could do is get good grades, you fool!
Do you really want to embarrass your mother and I like that?!," Taehyung's father shouted, making him feel even more miserable.

"You know what I think? It's that boy you're always hanging around with, he's distracting you! At least he isn't a little wimp like you, no matter how small his brains are!

"You probably think he's your friend, he's a bad influence is what I think! If I see you with him one more time, you're out of this house," he spat.
Taehyung could feel anger boiling up inside of him.

"You can't do this to me! Jungkook has been my... f-friend for ages and he is certainly not dumb! And he has nothing to do with this in the first place!," Taehyung snapped back and regretted it immediately.

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