Chapter 29

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Loud chatter and laughter echoed through the school auditorium, teenagers were fighting their way through the narrow space to get to their seat and the smell of fresh, delicious popcorn sweetened the air.

In row seven, seat twelve sat an extremely bored blonde, nibbling on a piece of popcorn and wondering what he was even doing there.
Curse Jimin and Mark for persuading him to pay for this excuse of a talent show.

A christmas talent show.

The hall was filled with christmas bubbles of all colours and sizes and basically everything was decorated with golden glitter, from the ceiling to the stairs.

"Taehyungie, you're here! We're on second last, you'll love it!," his redhead friend screamed out of nowhere, catching Taehyung off guard and making him choke on his piece of popcorn.

He gaped at Jimin's appearance, he was wearing a red blazer with tight-fitting, golden pants, his whole outfit glittering to a point where it hurt his eyes. Even his messily styled curls had glitter in it.
Jesus Christ, what is it with Christmas and this over-exaggerated glitter?, Taehyung thought.

"Umm... Jimin, where's your shirt?" Taehyung came to realize that Jimin was wearing nothing under that glittering blazer of his.
The redhead giggled. "Oh, that. We like to put on a bit of a show. Hey, stop staring. You're supposed to fall for my cousin, not me." He nudged Taehyung, who started blushing out of embarrassment.

"What, no! It's just, why is everything in this room glittering so hard? Are they trying to blind me or something?" Taehyung huffed.
The older laughed loudly.
"Aw man, you're adorable when you're annoyed. Anyways, gotta go practise my choreography. And oh, look who's coming! Now you have a friend to enjoy the show with!" Jimin pinched his cheek, making him yelp. And suddenly, he was gone.

"Hey-- wait-- Jimin, who do you..." But he didn't get any further because he saw with his own eyes.
And his jaw dropped.

In front of him stood Jeon Jungkook, wearing an all-black suit and with his slightly long hair parted. (A/N: something like the lotte family concert, i guess? he looked like a whole ass vampire in that one lmao)
What in the hell was he doing here? And more importantly, why was he taking the seat next to him?
So much for keeping a distance to each other.

"So I don't even get a 'hello' anymore?"
Taehyung widened his eyes as he realized he was the one spoken to.
"B-But we are supposed to act like strangers?"

The younger tilted his head, looking into Taehyung's eyes.
"Strangers greet each other too, you know."
Feeling extremely awkward, Taehyung blinked and swallowed his popcorn. "Umm, okay then. Hello. What are you doing here and why are you wearing a suit all of a sudden?"

Jungkook smiled. "Row seven, seat thirteen, I think I'm right. You know Jung Hoseok from the football team, right? Sometimes I hang with him and yesterday he suggested that I should watch his performance here, he dances aswell." Then, suddenly, his eyes started trailing downwards. It was almost as if he was checking Taehyung out. He raised his eyebrows.

"As for the suit... Shouldn't you be wearing one aswell? This is kind of an important school event, I wonder why you came here wearing your pyjamas." Taehyung huffed at that.

"It's just a Christmas talent show. I am not dolling myself up for a Christmas talent show. And, by the way, these are not my pyjamas!," he exclaimed, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

Jungkook shrugged. "Whatever you say. Anyways, what to you think about my hair? I think I look pretty hot, I should wear it like that more often." Taehyung widened his eyes, he just had a huge déjà vu.

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