Chapter 52

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"You girls saw that too, right? I'm not hallucinating?"

At the end of the hallway, a clearly puzzled brunette girl leaned against her locker, gasping and fanning herself with her perfectly manicured hand.

"Yes, Jennie. We all saw that. But... I just don't understand? How is this possible?" Another pretty girl, this time with black hair, stared into the distance, wide-eyed and with a mortified expression on her face.

"I don't know, Jisoo. I'm just so shocked. I mean, Jeon Jungkook? Gay? I don't know if I should disappointed or surprised," the girl called Jennie spoke, scoffing. She turned away from Jisoo, facing another gorgeous female.
"What do you think, Chae? You haven't said anything."

Said girl looked up shocked, her big doe eyes full of surprise aswell. "U-Umm... I don't know what to say. I'm just... confused?" She twirled a strand of her soft, strawberry blonde hair around her finger out of nervosity.

"I know, you must be more shocked than all of us combined. Jeon Jungkook asked you out, right? Honestly, I was so jealous of you, he's so handsome! I couldn't believe you turned him down!" She laid a hand on her friend's shoulder, the female slightly flinching at that.

"Well, I just didn't like him that way, I guess. I'm too... young for a relationship, that's all. I just don't understand why he asked me out in the first place," she said shyly, Jennie raising her eyebrows at that.

"Are you kidding me, Park Chaeyoung? You're so pretty, any guy would be lucky to have you! He was probably dared to ask you out or something like that, what a jerk! Why ask a girl out if you don't like girls?," the brunette girl exclaimed, scoffing.

"Th-Thanks, Jennie. You're pretty too, even prettier, maybe. And, well, maybe he's bi?," Chaeyoung asked carefully, trying to sound as casual as possible.
Jennie furrowed her eyebrows at that, Jisoo along with her.
"Bi? What's that?"

The strawberry-blonde girl gasped, genuinely surprised that she didn't know. "Um, bisexual. It basically means that you like both genders."
Jennie's mouth formed an 'o'-shape, indicating that she understood.

"Oh, I didn't know that." Jisoo cocked an eyebrow. "People like that exist? I thought it was a joke. Pretty weird if you ask me." Feeling highly uncomfortable, Chaeyoung shrugged.
"I don't know. Just read something about it on the Internet."

The two girls nodded, waving as they saw someone approaching them. "Hey Liz, there you are!," Jisoo exclaimed happily. Another female stood by them, positioning herself right next to Chaeyoung and making her cheeks redden for some unknown reason.

"Oh my god, Lisa. Did you see them? Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung? They were kissing! Two boys! So weird," Jennie whispered, as if she was scared that someone would hear them. The new girl, soft bangs covering her forehead and silver curls hanging down to her shoulders, raised her eyebrows.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I saw them just now. Heard they were threatened, by the way. Craaazy shit." She grinned, making her pearly white teeth show. The strawberry blonde girl next to her had to refrain herself from staring.

"Ugh, let's stop talking about this, this is making me uncomfortable. Anyways, Chae. This 'no dating'-policy of your parents is so stupid. You should get a boyfriend, at least in secret!," Jisoo butted in, giggling. Chaeyoung just smiled awkwardly. Little did her friends know that the 'no dating'-policy was just an excuse she had used to avoid all the drama about having to date someone of the opposite gender.

"I-I don't know. I don't even think anyone likes me that way, so..." Jennie raised her eyebrows at her, nothing but pure confusion written in her face.

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