Chapter 38

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"Hello? Taehyung, are you okay?"

Taehyung tried to withhold his shaky breaths as he shuddered but when he heard Jungkook's voice, he visibly calmed down and felt safer instantly.

"What happened? You're panting, did he do something to you?"

Now the younger's voice sounded extremely concerned.

"U-Umm... not really? I-I just got scared in the dark so I called you," the blonde lied and instantly regretted it because he was not evidently not very good at lying.

"Bullshit, Taehyung. Something obviously happened. Where are you?"

Panicked, the older looked around and saw only empty streets, dark fields and a few flickering street lamps. No streets signs, no houses, no anything.
"I-I have no idea. I freaked out at Starbucks and I ran from there. It's dark and empty."
He could hear an audible sigh from the other end and some rustling, perhaps a piece of clothing?

"Stay there for a moment, please. I'm coming to get you. Don't worry, everything will be alright."

Now Taehyung wanted to cry.
Jungkook's voice was so sweet and soothing and he just loved how caring he was, despite the pretty serious situation.

"Hey, Taehyung. You still there? I'm finding you, please stay on the line until I'm there."

Taehyung nodded and mentally facepalmed himself straight after because the other obviously couldn't see that. He then spoke a small "okay" instead.

And then, about ten minutes of hearing loud footsteps echo into the microphone and Jungkook telling him about where he was right now and ordering him to stay on the line, suddenly, everything became silent and all he could hear were loud pants.

"I'm at Starbucks now, Tae. In which direction did you go?"

The older tried to remember.
"U-Uhh... I think I just started running along the path right next to the traffic sign and I didn't stop... somehow I ended up here."

He could hear the ravenette mumble a short "okay" into the microphone and then, his footsteps were echoing into in his ears again, indicating that he had taken off again.

Not too long after, he could hear someone running towards him at a very fast pace, coming closer and closer.

"Taehyung!" He felt a hand grab his shoulder and immediately turned around, flinching a bit.
As he turned around, he stared into the beautiful doe eyes of a sweating and panting Jeon Jungkook.

"So, tell me what happened?"

Taehyung took a deep breath and sighed, not knowing where to start.

is posture looked calm but Jungkook could still see the shock in his eyes.

"Kind of a long story, actually. At first we were a bit awkward, of course. It was our first date. Eventually, we did kind of warm up to each other but there's something I had to confess."
The ravenette nodded while running a hand through his now damp hair, his eyes constantly fixated on Taehyung unknowingly.

"I... I don't really like him that way."
And suddenly, the younger's face lit up and he tried to contain his excitement.
"Really?! What made you realize that?" He tried to keep his voice low, relief glowing in his dark orbs brightly.

"I... I love somebody else," the blonde mumbled, keeping his eyes on the floor.
And immediaty, the happy glow in Jungkook's eyes vanished and he looked down aswell.
"Oh, who is it?"

"Someone I'm definetely not supposed to love. I'm sorry but... I don't feel comfortable telling you yet, I'll tell you when the time is right." Taehyung mentally prepared himself to pick out some random, convenient guy in case the other ever asked again.

"Of course, I understand. Take your time, I just hope he's worth it." Jungkook tried to smile encourangingly, though he felt like a popped balloon, swelling up happily but getting stung by a needle and ending up as a miserable piece of rubber.
Weird comparison but perfect to describe his feelings.

"So, what happened then?"
The blonde took another deep breath.
"He was really considerate, he even told me he knew beforehand and he was really sweet so I didn't feel bad for him because he really does like me. But then..." He inhaled shakily, the other focusing on him intensely and hanging onto his every word.

"He... he wanted a kiss from me but I was a bit hesitant and declined. And then, he... just kissed me without my consent. First, I thought of fighting back, but then I realized how much taller and stronger he is so I thought I'd let him have his kiss and run away straight after.

"B-But he got more and more intense and I started feeling really scared of what could happen. I felt so s-suffocated, so I kicked him off and escaped. I think you were right about him, I shouldn't have trusted him. Sorry."
Having said everything off his chest, he exhaled shakily and clasped his hands into tight fists.

"Oh, Taehyung..." Jungkook put his hands on his fists in order to loosen them. Then, he pulled the blonde boy closer and embraced him in a warm hug.
"I'm sorry, so sorry. And I'm proud you eventually fought back and protected yourself, Tae." The younger felt Taehyung nuzzle his head into his shoulder.

"Tae? Where's that son of a bitch now, hm? I'm killing him," he asked, as carefully as possible. As a response, he could feel the blonde shrug his shoulders and smiled inwardly, finding him terribly cute despite the situation.

After staying like this for a few moments, both of them realized how late it was and gasped surprised.
"It's half past ten already, Tae. Our parents are probably worried."

"But I don't want to go home," Taehyung whined as they loosened the hug. The younger laughed.
"We have to, it'll be midnight soon."

"I have an idea, Tae. Let's ask our parents to let us enjoy New Year's Eve together, just like last year. Since we're on good terms now. Just tell your parents you met me at the library or something." The blonde nodded hesitantly.

"Okay." And then, he yawned.
Jungkook smiled uncontrollably.
"You seem tired. Do you want me to give you a piggy back ride?"

Taehyung widened his eyes, his cheeks burning up slightly. "What? N-No."
The ravenette didn't stop smiling.
"Do you want me to carry you bridal style then?"

The older's cheeks burned even more intensely, thank god it was in the middle of the night and everything was dark.
"No! I'll just walk." And quickly, he started moving his feet.

As Jungkook caught up, the two of them started walking next to each other and thanks to Google Maps, the two of them got home pretty quickly.

The Jeons and the Kims spent New Year's Eve with each other, it was a quite unexpected but also lovely night.

Taehyung couldn't help but be reminded of last year's event, the beginning of him falling for Jungkook.

Damn, it's been a whole year.
Jeon Jungkook, you actually make me feel crazy, the blonde thought, throwing a sideeye to the younger boy beside him.

The younger boy who was currently observing the now beautifully exploding fireworks with a huge bunny smile on his face, his eyes glittering with amazement and adoration, and reflections of the blazing fireworks.


(A/N: this is really awkward since it's not even a new year yet lmao, anyways hope you enjoyed

i have my last week of school starting from tomorrow, just fuck me and fuck everything in my life i don't wanna go😞

as always, thanks for reading ily guys a lot, you amazing creatures😔💜💜💜)

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