Chapter 40

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When Taehyung woke up the next day, he felt nothing but pain.

His neck and back were strained from his awkward lying position, not to mention the black eye his father gave him, a few injuries on his shoulders and stomach aswell.

Not to mention he was cold and lying on the damn floor. He felt like his limbs were unable to function and despite being unconscious for such a long time, he felt like he hadn't slept a wink, his head was hurting and throbbing.

He saw his digital clock from the corner of his eye, it was only six AM.
In an hour, his mother would enter his room and wake him up to go to school.

But after this certain incident, Taehyung didn't want to face anyone. Not a single soul. He didn't want to do anything, he didn't want to be awake.
Inside of him was an emptiness, an emptiness that made him feel excessively tired and suffocated.

But then he thought about having to face his mother or his father again and lifted himself up into a sitting position, wincing at how painful every movement was.
How could his life change from so good to so bad in less than a second?

While feeling nothing but pure misery, Taehyung dressed himself in an oversided turtleneck pullover and baggy pants, trying to cover his eyes with his now pretty long fringe.

Then he grabbed his backpack and tiptoed out of his room, sneaking through the still silent house and closing the front door as quietly as possible.

Then, he just started walking towards school, extra slowly since he knew he was going to be way too early.

His steps were heavy, unhurried and uncoordinated and his head hung down low, so low he could barely see anything but the grey, boring brick floor.

For a long while, he did nothing but feel miserable while sitting on a brick wall at the back of the school and watching the depressing, naked trees with their uncovered branches and the thin layer of snow on top. Something about this certain picture felt like it could resemble him.

Then, he realized he had now waited enough and should get going to school or he would be late.
Quite ironic, in his opinion, since he technically had been in school for the past two hours.

When he entered the classroom, he could hear whispers.
His fringe must not have been long enough to cover his black eye, hence his fellow classmates gossiping about him, quite obviously.

"What happened to Kim?"

"Is that a black eye? Did he get beaten up? That looks pretty serious, why didn't he get any treatment?"

"Did he finally man up and decide to pick some fights? Well, then again... Look at his face, man up wouldn't be the right word. Hahaha."

Taehyung felt highly uncomfortable, he definetely did not like being the center of attention. He could hear every single hushed whisper that his classmates not-so subtly murmured, it made his palms sweat and his confidence shatter.

As he glanced into the left corner of the room, he saw a raven-haired boy sitting in a chair while crouching down onto his desk, his head lying on it while being supported by his arms. Probably sleeping.

Having the sudden urge to confront him, this being the very first urge he had felt today, he made his way to Jungkook's desk and tapped his arm.
He could hear a soft hum, but not a concrete response so he tapped again, this time harder.

"Huh?" The younger lifted his head, his disheveled hair sticking out in all directions.
Taehyung didn't feel like explaining himself, so he just grabbed Jungkook's arm and dragged him out of his seat, making him gasp.

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