Chapter 67

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"No, Jimin! It's supposed to be your hospitality, not you're hospitality!," a blonde boy scolded, rolling his eyes in exasperation.

"Whatever! I will never understand English, it's too hard!," a red-haired boy exclaimed frustratedly, his head hanging over the desk and a frown etched upon his face.

"It's not even that hard and please, the difference between your and you are? We learned this in grade seven. Should've paid attention in class, huh?," Taehyung tutted, shaking his head in disapproval.

"It's different for you, you're a smartass. I'm too dumb for this shit. I swear, I'm killing Mr. Kim for giving us so much homework without even explaining properly!" Jimin huffed, twirling his pencil around in his small fingers.

"Mr. Kim is an amazing English teacher. He explained perfectly fine, you were just being unattentive and dozing off. Don't give me that face, I saw you drooling in your sleep, everyone did. Oh, and by the way. It's their cultivation, not there cultivation." To that, Jimin groaned in agony.

"Seriously?! I considered erasing that and writing they're instead..." To that, the blonde giggled, finding the whole scene weirdly amusing. English had always been one of his favourite subjects, he was quite good at it, whilst dear Jimin couldn't think of any subject he despised more. Except for maybe Chemistry.

"Oh my fucking god. It says I have to write a CV here! This is torture, what the hell?!," the redhead cried out in disbelief, Taehyung patting his head with an amused smile on his face.

"There, there. It's gonna be fine. Easier than you think, I wrote mine on Thursday, in ten minutes! Just think of things you're good at, qualifications, important aspects of your personality as well as things you wanna do and just like that, write your-- Oh, wait. Someone's calling."

Ignoring his friend's wails of "Taehyung, you little shit, come back!", the blonde boy made his way towards his cellphone and picked up with a dreamy smile on his face as he saw the caller ID ('My love Jungkookie💋❤🌹'), sneaking into the empty living room for some privacy.

"Yes?," he asked happily when the line was connected but furrowed his eyebrows when he heard ragged breaths on the other line.
"Kook? Are you okay?"

"My mom found out," the other then said, sounding like he was panicking.
"She found out about you leaving."
The blonde gasped, feeling a bit regretful as he wanted to be the one telling Mrs. Jeon about the post-graduation plans. That was, if he would've even told her in the first place.

However, he did feel a tiny bit of relief wash over him since he didn't like keeping secrets from his boyfriend's mother, especially not such a caring mother as Mrs. Jeon.
But there was still a big part of him that felt extremely sad for Jungkook as the ravenette was not ready for his mother to know yet.

"Breathe, Jungkookie. You sound like you're gonna hyperventilate any second. How did she find out?," he asked slowly, feeling the utmost desire to give the boy a big hug and many, many sweet kisses right know. Well, if only he could.

"She knew something was up with us, she said we were being sketchy. And then she made me tell her everything, but you know what was the worst thing? Her reaction!," the other exclaimed, sounding close to tears by now.

"What did she say? She didn't cry, right? That would make me feel so horrible!"
He heard Jungkook take a deep breath on the other line.
"No, but... it just scared me. She just kept muttering something over and over, something like 'Kim Donghyun, I'm coming for you'. And then, she just left the house without a single word. I just don't know what to think. Is she angry or sad? Or mad? I've never seen her seriously mad. Ugh, I just don't know what to think..."

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