Chapter 24

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Throughout the whole period, Taehyung could feel the transferee give him not-so-subtle glances and occasionally move his chair a bit closer to his own.

Adding to that, he could feel Jimin look back at him, smirking and winking, literally every five minutes.
Sometimes he even made kissey-faces.
Taehyung didn't know how to feel.

It was a very foreign feeling, having someone have the hots for him while he, himself was in love with another.

A few years ago, he probably couldn't have wished for anything more than having someone as handsome as Mark being interested in him.
But now, with all this Jungkook stuff going on? He did not know how to feel, moving on wasn't as easy as expected.

"Hey... Earth to Taehyung," he suddenly heard someone mutter into his ear, flinching a bit and widening his eyes as he saw his new seat-neighbor's face, only inches away from his.
"O-Oh... Was I spacing out?"

"Pretty much. Class has ended and you haven't even packed up. I thought you were top student?," the brunette remarked cheekily, raising his eyebrows.

"" Taehyung quickly gathered all of his books, stuffing them into his backpack.

"Jimin told me about your excellent grades. So, was I perhaps... distracting you?" Mark took this opportunity to scoot a bit closer to him, a smirk evident on his flawless face.

"Excuse me? No! I... need to go. Lunch. See you around," Taehyung rambled, slightly flustered, as he jumped out of his chair. He swung his backpack over his shoulders and took quick steps towards the door.

But as soon as he exited, he felt someone grab his arm rather harshly and shrieked.
"My god! What in the world... Jungkook."
Suddenly, he remembered looking into Jungkook's eyes before. He had looked so angry.
Was he feeling okay? What was the matter?

"What the hell is that son of a bitch doing here?" Jungkook still looked pissed, very pissed.

What's his deal?
"I don't know, why are you asking me? I didn't plan this, you know? And would you please let go of me, that hurts," Taehyung whined.
He pointed towards Jungkook's hand still gripping his arm, a bruise close to forming.

Realizing, the ravenette immediately let go of his arm, as if it were on fire, widening his eys. "S-Sorry Tae, I shouldn't have done that."

Aww, he is so sweet and thoughtful..
Argh Taehyung, this is not the time!

"I-It's okay. And, well, Jimin actually told me before, his school closed down so he transferred here." Taehyung was shocked to see Jungkook suddenly looking a bit... disappointed, perhaps?

"And you didn't tell me?"
Taehyung lowered his gaze onto the floor.
"Well, I didn't think it was that big of a deal--"

"Taehyung, that boy is definetely bad news, how could you not think it was a big deal? Speaking of, did he do something to you? Did he touch you, or make you feel uncomfortable?"
Taehyung started giggling at how protective he was being. He'd be lying if he said his heart wasn't fluttering at all.

Why is he being so protective now? Stop leading me on, please...

"Chill, Kook. He's harmless. He apologized for what he did and he really regrets it. Besides, Jimin told me he... likes me." Taehyung actually wasn't planning on saying the last sentence, it just kind of slipped. Also, he kind of wanted to see Jungkook's reaction, even though he didn't know why.

It's not like I have a chance anyways.

The younger just scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Of fucking course he does."
Taehyung frowned.
"What's up with you, Jungkook? Shouldn't you be happy for be? Don't say anything, I think I know what this is about," Taehyung exclaimed, raising his voice a bit when Jungkook opened his mouth again.

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