Chapter 54

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Perhaps, Jungkook was wrong. 
Maybe it wasn't just the two of them against the whole world after all.

When Taehyung got to school the following Monday, he was surprised to see someone leaning against his locker as if they were waiting for him.

As he approached that person, he furrowed his eyebrows, a tad surprised.
Park Chaeyoung was leaning against his locker a kind-of anxious expression on her face.

An uneasy feeling settled in his gut since he knew how much Jungkook used to like her back then.
What if she suddenly changed her mind about rejecting him and wanted to date him all of a sudden but saw Taehyung as an obstacle and wanted to blackmail him into breaking up with him?

He really did not want to go there. And he trusted Jungkook to be a good, faithful boyfriend so he didn't really see a need to worry much.
So, he just raised his eyebrows at the girl and greeted her awkwardly: "Um, hi."

"Hi," she responded shyly. "Look, I'm sorry for approaching you so randomly but I really wanted to--"

"If you're here to ask dumb questions about my boyfriend and our relationship just like everyone else, no need. No, I didn't force him to date me and I didn't perform voodoo on him either. Yes, he loves me and yes, I know he used to like you. No, he didn't suddenly turn gay, he likes both genders. That's actually a thing, yew. In case you suddenly started liking him and want him to break up with me, too bad he loves me and treats me like a queen every damn single day." Finishing up his quite preposterous speech, he looked at her with an unreadable expression, making her look at him confusedly since she definetely did not expect this.

The female cleared her throat after a while, clearing the atmosphere. "That's... not what I wanted to ask. At all. I don't like him, no."

Taehyung suddenly felt bad for being so harsh on the girl and judging her so abruptly before even listening to what she had to say. "Oh. I'm sorry, I just kinda assumed. It's just, lots of people on social media said mean stuff and treat me like some kind of devil and emotions just bottled up inside of me and I suddenly spilled, I guess. Again, sorry for judging you." He showed a small smile.

"No, it's okay," she insisted, smiling back.
"What I actually wanted to ask you..." She drifted off, trying not too meet the boy's gaze of curiosity and anticipation.

"How did you realize?" She bit her lip, feeling very discouraged all of a sudden.
Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, not realizing what she actually meant.
"How did I realize what? That I was in love with Jungkook? Well, that was pretty easy to figure out after some time. Long story."

He raised his eyebrows when she shook her head, her strawberry blonde hair floating around her softly.
"No, not that. How did you realize you were into... boys?" Her voice became thinner towards the end, the boy's jaw dropping as he realized exactly what was going on.

"O-Oh. That. Um, I don't know? Well, someday it just became obvious so I didn't try to deny myself or repress it or anything, I just dealt with it, I guess. The signs were all there, it was crystal clear." He bit his lips nervously, seeing the girl beside him frowning and looking at him in a concentrated manner.

He then sighed. "I think I know what this is about. There's nothing to be afraid about, okay? Follow your heart and only listen to yourself and to no one else. Don't pressure yourself and figure it out step by step." And now, she was the one to sigh. She shook her head again.

"I don't think I can do that. Everyone's rushing me to start dating and stuff. My friends, my parents, my siblings, everyone. And I'm scared of it. And I really don't know how long I can keep making up excuses and keep up this act of being a pure person who wants to wait for fate to find her. And I don't know how long I can keep it a secret, it's tiring me," she spoke, her voice slightly shaky yet desperate. Taehyung could only relate, remembering Mrs. Jeon and how she made him feel safe in a place he felt unsafe in.
He also wanted to do that for someone else in the same situation.

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