Chapter 63

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Later that day, Taehyung and Jungkook were, once again, cuddling. In Jungkook's bedroom.

"...Jungkookie, I made a new friend today," the blonde rambled excitedly, nuzzling his head into the other's neck.
"He's so cute!"

At that, Jungkook immediately turned to him with a little frown on his face.
"Cuter than your boyfriend?"
Worry was displayed in his eyes. Was Taehyung going to leave him someday? For some cute guy? What if he would?

"Hmm. Maybe," the older teased, laughing cutely but stopping as he saw his boyfriend pouting. As an apology, he pecked his lips quickly.
"I'm sorry. I was joking, no one is cuter than you." And suddenly, Jungkook's face lit up again.

"Oh yes, you are." Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully.
"Lies, you are." The ravenette shook his head profusely, his fluffy hair slightly bouncing at the wild movements.
"No, you."

"No, you!"
The two of them kept going on and on which resulted in them having a tickle fight and breaking out in laughter as they pushed each other around and tried to find each other's most ticklish spots.

"J-Jungkook-- s-stop," the blonde boy forced out between a harsh fit of giggles, trying to pry off the other's hands that were currently tickling his belly aggressively.

The ravenette tilted his head and kept going, a devilish grin on his face.
"And what if I don't want to?"
Taehyung tried to wriggle himself out of his grip, still giggling.

"I-I'll kick your balls and ruin your potential future children," he mewled, finally succeeding in escaping his lover's excessive tickling and panting heavily, throwing himself on top of him and looking into his eyes in attempt to appear as threatening.

"No need for future children when we can always adopt," the ravenette spoke softly, booping his nose with a soft smile.
"That just totally didn't make sense. You mean biological children," Taehyung answered, laughing softly.

"Yes, you're right," Jungkook smiled.
"I want to tickle your tummy again," he confessed, his eyes big and round.
The blonde internally cooed, pinching the other's cheek.

"You're so cute. But no, thank you." He pinched Jungkook's other cheek aswell, laughing at the defeated expression on his face.
"Then can I at least touch? Or lay my head on it? I love your tummy, it's so soft," he begged, trying his best to show convincing puppy eyes.

"Fine. But no tickling or I might get a cardiac arrest," the older gave in, lifting his shirt so his soft tummy was on display.
Silently cheering, Jungkook pushed him onto the bed gently and laid his head on it, sighing in content.

Taehyung gasped when he felt the ravenette press a kiss on the soft skin.
"I swear-- this is weird. I feel like I'm pregnant. I'm not, right?"
Jungkook laughed, slightly shifting.

"I don't think that would be biologically possible, baby. I think we'd know. Besides, we haven't done anything close to that yet." He shifted again so that their eyes could meet each other.

"Anyways, let's talk about your new friend. Do you have a picture of him? I need to check if he's... competition." At that, Taehyung let out a laugh of disbelief.
"You're jealous? Of him?" He smiled widely, his mouth forming into an endearing, rectangular shape.

"His name is Min Yoongi, I'd like to call him Yoongi Boongi or... Yoongles but I think he doesn't want that. But I can't help but make up thousands of nicknames in my mind, his name is just so cute! Ohh, how does Yoonie sound?," he squealed, Jungkook watching with fondness written all over his face. However, he couldn't help but feel a little sting of jealousy in his chest. He couldn't help it, it was natural.

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