Chapter 51

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"Are you sure about this, Tae?"

"Yes, I'm sure about this. Let's do this, Jungkookie."

The couple stood in front of the school building hesitantly, about to enter but definetely too panicked to do so.

The whole week over, they had tried to come up with a 'plan' that would not humiliate them to death. But it wasn't like they had many options.

In fact, they had no options since they were obviously being threatened by their notorious classmate. In movies or books, they would have broken into his house, taken the diary and kept it safe.

But this wasn't any movie or book, this was real life. They couldn't get themselves in even more trouble.

So here they stood, their hearts beating furiously and both their minds preparing for the scariest exposition they would ever have to go through.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm just as scared as you. This won't be pretty for either of us. But we don't have a choice. Just trust me, my love."
Taehyung's heart started fluttering at his dear boyfriend's words, a smile making it's way on his face.

"I know. I love you." He wrapped his arms around Jungkook's torso, burying his head in the younger's chest.

"I love you too, duh." Both of them let out a breathy laugh, the ravenette pulling him closer and running his hands through his soft hair.

"Did you ever realize what makes us different from other couples?" Taehyung lifted his head slighty, staring at him with eyes shining out of curiousity.
"The fact that we're both boys?"

The ravenette chuckled shortly.
"That too, but not what I meant. You see, for many couples, it takes weeks or even months for both of them to say 'I love you' to each other. But us? We said it right from the start." The blonde smiled cutely, squealing out of delight.

"Because we were in love with each other right from the start." Jungkook smiled, bending down to give his lover a sweet kiss on the crown of his head.
"And that's what makes us special."

"Okay baby, we have to go now. Or classes will start without us and we'll fail." The two of them loosened their holds around each other, intertwining their hands instead and pushing the school door open together.

"Ready?," Jungkook asked.

"Ready." Taehyung smiled, his heart beating wildly in his chest.

And they entered the school building, their hearts intertwined and thus, feeling stronger than ever.

The typical loud chatter of the students in the hallway filled their ears, everyone talking to each other and minding their own business.
Taking a deep breath, Jungkook got ready to speak up, squeezing Taehyung's hand for comfort.

"Everyone." His voice was loud and stable, yet unstable, making a few students turn their heads towards the two of them in confusion. Some students watched Jungkook's face in confusion, others threw glances onto their hands laced together.

"I have an announcement to make." Taking another deep breath, the ravenette tried regaining his confidence. With his lips pressed tightly onto each other and his cunning eyes blazing with determination as he looked into the crowd of confused students who looked at him wide-eyed.

"I want to show you something, many of you are not going to like it. But I don't care. Hate me as much as you want, I can take it." Through their intertwined hands, he pulled Taehyung closer towards him and turned around so they were face to face.

"Because he's here."

And with that, he used his free hand to cup the blonde's face, holding his head as if it were the most precious thing in the world.
And then, he did it.

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