Chapter 48

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As Taehyung quietly unlocked the front door and sneaked back inside the dark and quiet house, he could suddenly feel someone latching onto him from behind, hugging his waist tightly and pressing him against their chest with zero space left between them.

"Jungkook!," he whisper-shouted after letting out a little squeal of surprise, fearing that his parents might hear them and wake up. The figure behind him did not let him go, burying his face in the crook of Taehyung's neck.
The door closed automatically, a little bit louder than the latter would've preferred.

"Oh, shit! We need to hurry into my room or my parents will see us, quick!," the blonde rushed, pulling himself (and the ravenette along with him) towards the stairs leading to his room.

"Baby, you're being paranoid. No one can hear us, relax." Taehyung could feel the soft vibrations of the younger's voice on his neck which sent shivers through his whole body and made him halt in his step.

"W-Why are you suddenly calling me that?," he asked, his cheeks reddening, though not visible as the house was dark.

"I don't know. I love you, you love me. It just slipped," Jungkook mumbled, not changing his position in the slightest and not moving forward either. The older boy sighed.
"Let's talk about this upstairs. We're wet. Soaked, even. And I'm freezing."

The ravenette laughed. "Okay, sure." He let go of Taehyung and took his hand instead, pulling him up the stairs and towards his room.
The older boy felt like he could fly, he would've never thought that he would ever feel happiness like this again.

With all the devastating events that happened recently, he felt like he was getting sucked into a big, dark hole of despair and it felt like he would never be able to escape, no matter how hard he tried.

Then came the party, which had confused him to death and now, he felt like he was finally going to be able to breathe again. To be happy.

As he reached his room, he shivered. "G-God, it's so cold."
He felt a kiss on his nape which calmed him down a bit. "Let's change, you're shivering. I'll get some clothes, you can sit on the bed and undress."
Taehyung stopped shivering for an abrupt moment and gasped in disbelief.

"I am not changing in front of you!" He blushed slightly, making Jungkook grin and wink cheekily.
"Aww, someone is shy. It's okay, just wait until I get some clothes and I can turn around while you change. I just don't want you to be cold anymore."

Wondering why Jungkook wouldn't let him get the clothes himself, Taehyung sat himself on his bed and wrapped his arms around himself in attempt to stop the shivering.

Only a minute later, he could hear q shuffling of feet leading towards his bed and then, he saw the younger boy with two sets of clothes in his hands, gesturing him to take one.

"Thanks." He bowed his head and grabbed a set of fluffy pyjamas, which even included a towel that he didn't even notice at first. He absolutely loved how caring and thoughtful Jungkook was being right now.

After getting him to finally turn around, Taehyung changed out of his wet clothes, gasping at the amount of water that was disposed by him simply taking them off. After rubbing his still soaked body with the towel, he changed into his new, fluffy pyjamas and sighed at the satisfying feeling of finally having on some warm clothes again.

After that, he was the one to turn around for Jungkook to change his clothes and after the ravenette told him to turn around and he did so, he was met with a shocking surprise.

"Oh my god. Wh-Where is your shirt?," he stuttered, extremely flustered.

He could hear the younger boy chuckle, coming a bit closer. "I actually prefer sleeping shirtless, especially after being drained in water. Shirts make me feel a bit uncomfortable, you know? Try not to faint." He laughed as he took in Taehyung's shocked expression.

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