Chapter 37

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When Taehyung woke up the next day, he felt happy. And a bit scared.

Happy because he made up with Jungkook, he hoped it would last. And scared because of the date. And because he didn't know how he should act or what he should do. He feared it would be very awkward.

As he checked the notifications on his phone, he saw a message from a certain someone and his heart skipped a beat.

Have fun on your date, Tae.
I mean it
Sent 10:33 AM

Taehyung smiled brightly.
He's so sweet. He doesn't even like Mark but he's making such an effort to make things right. Holy shit.

Not to mention, the date wasn't for another nine hours, so he had lots of time to overthink and clear his mind afterwards.

To kill some time, he decided to do Maths exercises.
So, he put on his headphones and sat himself on his desk, getting ready to solve some quadratic equations.


The time passed surprisingly fast. Before Taehyung knew, Mark was ringing the doorbell, wearing ripped jeans, a tight-fitting, black t-shirt, chunky boots and a bomber jacket.

He couldn't help but be reminded of Jungkook's style, which basically resembled what Mark was wearing right now.
Forcing his stubborn mind off the younger boy, he smiled.

As the other greeted him back, Taehyung got out and closed the front door.
"So, where are we going?"

"I was thinking Starbucks?" The blonde beamed, actually liking the idea of just a chill date instead of something overly fancy since he was dressed pretty casually, anyways.

The two of them walked side by side, quite awkwardly. That was until Mark reached out his arm to suggest linking arms, which Taehyung accepted.

He felt weird. Going out with a boy in an extremely homophobic environment while being in love with another. What a tragic love story.

They arrived faster than he thought, the large Starbucks logo shining brightly in front of them before they entered.
"Did you realize it's the 31st of December today? A new year's coming in a few hours," the brunette spoke, catching Taehyung's attention.

He nodded shyly. "Yes, I did realize. My parents want me to be home before midnight so we can celebrate New Year's Eve together, they think I'm studying at the library. I hope you don't mind." The other smiled.

"God, you're so cute. Of course I don't, same goes for me, by the way.
Let's order, babe."
The younger nodded again, feeling a bit awkward again.

Hearing Mark call him 'babe' sounded weird to him since he was a good friend. It just felt... a bit odd.

(A/N: this reminds me, a guy friend of mine who's not my friend anymore used to call me babe,,, i think i gagged every damn time like ew... anyways on with the story)

All of a sudden, he had a déjà vu:

"I'm so sorry, baby, I'm so sorry. I'm not in a good place nowadays, I always say the wrong shit and fuck everything up. I'm so sorry, please don't cry. Shh."

That unexpected and definetely mindblowing memory made Taehyung blush, why did Jungkook accidentally calling him 'baby' feel so... right to him?

And why was he even thinking about this? He should be focusing on Mark right now since he was on a goddamn date right now.
"Uhh... Let's order," he then spoke, making the other nod and look at the menu.

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