Chapter 56

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"Get your disgusting hands off my boyfriend, you bitch!"

Chris broke the kiss so abruptly, as if he had been electrecuted, and looked back in utter shock.

Right behind him stood a quite small yet fierce-looking blonde boy, his hands on his hips and his eyes screaming nothing but pure rage.
His chest was heaving up and down, he was clearly about to lose his sanity.

It didn't take him long to come storming towards them, pushing the brunette off of Jungkook with all the strength he had and stand before Chris with his lips pressed tightly onto each other.

And then, the unbelievable happened.

Taehyung slapped him, the harsh slap echoing throughout the whole changing room and leaving a bright red mark on Chris' cheek.
This had been the second time he had ever slapped anybody in his whole life and ironically, he lost control of himself twice within the same week.

"You fucker! How dare you, little shit?! Do you have  any idea whose boyfriend you just kissed? Mine, you little shit! And do you know what happens when you kiss my boyfriend? You get fucking ruined, bitch!," he spat angrily.

And he slapped him again, this time, his other cheek. But just as aggressively.

Chris had not spoken a single word, way too surprised to even let out a single sound. He definetely was not used to this, to the blonde boy attacking physically as well as verbally and fiercely standing up to other people. He would've expected him to cry fat crocodile tears and run away, to break down and drop onto his knees. But not this.
And now that he did, he was starting to fear Taehyung.

"First, you and your human incarnation of the fucking devil try to mess up my life and my relationship and now you make out with my boyfriend against his will?! Against his fucking will! Don't give me any of that 'He kissed me first' shit, by the way, I'm not as dumb as you think. I have eyes! Just-- urghhh!!"

And then he kicked.

The kick was directed towards his... private area.

And it was so intense, Taehyung could hear a loud wail of pain and Chris crouching down while cupping his precious friend.
He smirked in satisfaction.

"Oops, I might've accidentally targeted your dear family jewels and future kids, sorry about that. Y'know, I'm actually being merciful. A piece of advice: You better start running or your future kids aren't going to be the only thing targeted. Get out of my fucking face, hoe."
And the brunette did not hesitate and exited the changing room as fast as he could, still cupping his private area half limping, half running.

Taehyung let out a giggle out of satisfaction by seeing the other boy suffer like that, turning around and finally facing his boyfriend who had not moved a single limb or spoken a single word the entire time.
Said boyfriend just stared at him with his mouth agape and his eyes the size of saucers.

Not once in the many years he had known him had he witnessed the older boy lose control like this, cussing around so freely and using violence on bad people without hesitation.
But actually, he didn't mind seeing this side of him at all.

He found it extremely attractive, in fact.

"T-Tae, you--"
Taehyung smiled, his eyes twinkling with sudden innocence, and inched closer.
"Yeah, I just showed him who's the boss here. I don't like being the shy, little boy who cowers in fear and cries all the time anymore. I guess you could call this the evolution of Kim Taehyung."
Grinning, the blonde wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck, burying his head in the other's bare chest and feeling his accelerated heartbeat.

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