Chapter 45

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As soon as Taehyung entered the mansion, loud chatter and booming music filled his ears, just like he had imagined. "Sober" by BigBang was played loudly, the beat pulsating through his whole body.

The place was packed with people, no one even noticing he was coming through. As he forced himself through the room he held Jimin's shoulders to not accidentally get seperated from him.

When they got to a lonelier space, the redhead turned around to face him. "Damn, this is a good one. I haven't been to parties in a long time, amazing." He beamed, the blonde smiling awkwardly.

"We should have a drink. I'll ask if you can have orange juice or something, you don't seem like you'd drink alcohol." Taehyung nodded, relieved that his friend would let him go a bit... less harder.
So, the redhead grabbed his wrist and they stood in front of a small bar.
"I'll talk to the bartender."

After Jimin spoke a few incoherent words with the presumably older bartender behind the counter, he got two cups pressed into his small hands. He gave one of these to Taehyung, still beaming. "They didn't have orange juice, sadly. But I got you some lemonade." Gratefully, he grabbed the cup and gulped it down in one go.
Loud, packed places always got him extremely thirsty.

So, as he drank his alcohol-free drink, he let his eyes roam around the place and the people here. Surprisingly enough, he could see a few people staring at him and checking him out, mostly guys.

Do they think I'm a girl? Oh no, it must be the off-shoulder top. Or the make-up. Shit, I hope they don't talk to me.

Jimin saw his nervous glances as he chugged down his alcoholic drink. "Hey, don't be nervous. Drunk dudes checking you out is a good thing but unless you wanna do something, nothing will happen," he whispered into his ear between two chugs.
The blonde smiled at him gratefully, feeling much safer as he realized that his friend was with him.

But as he looked around a bit more, he saw something familiar.

Two eyes.

Staring right at him.

As if they were trying to stare right into his soul.

Those eyes belonged to no one else but Jeon Jungkook. The absolutely last person he wanted to see here today.

Taehyung accidentally made the mistake of looking back and staring at him for a while.
He looked good, very good. The all-black attire wasn't something he had seen very often but holy fucking shit did he look good.

After he realized what he was doing, he quickly retracted his gaze and stared into his now empty cup with big eyes. What if Jungkook had caught him staring? They couldn't be friends anymore, right?

Taehyung made the stupid mistake of glancing at him again and came to realize that he was coming closer.
And he panicked.

"Shit, Jimin! Jungkook's here! Get me away from here!" The redhead looked at him with an eyebrow cocked, unfazed.
"Oh, it's gonna be fine. He's not gonna see you anyways."

"You don't understand! He's coming right here!," he whisper-shouted stabbing his index finger into Jimin's muscly forearm.
"Oh, cool. Oh my god, it's my babe! Tae, my girlfriend is here, I'll leave you alone for a sec, have fun and don't do anything sinful!," he spoke cheerfully and winked, leaving his cup on the counter and rushing away.

Taehyung's panic grew more and mote from second to second, his heartbeat was at an unnaturally fast pace right now.

Fucking damn it, Jimin. How fucking much did he drink?! I thought he was gonna keep me safe!

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