Chapter 47

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Sunday was a boring day for Taehyung.

It was as if God had decided to make everyone's mood go down the drain by sending down excessive amounts of rain down from Heaven. If he actually existed, of course.

There was something quite depressing about the way several tiny raindrops flumped themselves onto the glass of his window and skimmed down, further and further. Until they reached the window sill and from there, were dropped onto the ground just like that. And from there, found themselves together to creat puddles.

If Taehyung still were a child, he would've had lots of fun fixating his pupils on two particular raindrops and watching them race each other down the glass. That action had always excited him and never got boring.

But he wasn't a child anymore. He was a teenager, so close to reaching adulthood. There was a lot more overthinking and a lot less enjoying in his current life.

That being given, he spent the whole day overthinking, overthinking and overthinking again.

Originally having planned on doing some extra studying, he couldn't help but look out of the window every minute and get lost in thoughts while listening to the pitter-pattering of the soft raindrops and watch the thick, grey clouds cover up the usually so bright blue of the sky.

And that was how he spent his day. Looking out of the window, thinking about how much confusion the universe had brought to him the last few weeks. His whole life had been turned upside down and mentally, he still didn't know how to process it. But days like these made him feel calm. Like everything was normal.

He also occasionally did some maths exercises, but that was kind of irrelevant right now.
So there he still was, lying in bed and still listening to the raindrops' soft scattering sounds on the roof.

As he looked outside, he came to realize the sky was pitch black. No single star, no moon in sight. Just pure darkness, like a dark hole trying to suck up the whole city. He tried not to think about such unsettling thoughts too much and grabbed a book from his nightstand to distract himself, 'Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief'. A book quite unfitting for his current mood yet possibly a good distraction.

But before he could open the book and let himself get dragged into the wild fantasy of Greek mythology and the complicared story of gods, half-gods and so on, he heard the doorbell ring shrilly.

Frowning, he checked the clock on his nightstand and saw the numbers 01:29. His parents must be asleep already, who would come and visit so late?

A burglar? A murderer?!

Very carefully with his heart beating wildly in his chest, he sneaked up to the front door carefully, internally preparing to scream if the person standing in front of his front door appeared to be sketchy.

As he opened the front door, his heart stopped for a second.

His suddenly very wobbly legs made it difficult for him to maintain his posture, his lips parting and his eyes turning glassy.

Through the lamps dimly lighting up the porch, he could immediately recognize the other's familiar stature.
Jungkook's hair was wet and messy, his clothes were drenched in rain water and he was breathing heavily, his features sharper than ever.

"I love you."

For a few second, everything was silent. The only sound to be heard was the rain continuously falling, creating an even more dramatic atmosphere.
It took a while for Taehyung to regain his breath. He was just simply speechless.

It was as if he was glued onto his spot tightly, doing nothing but stare at the other boy standing on his porch with his mouth agape and his eyes widened.

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