Chapter 68

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Dear Diary...

Can you believe it? Mrs. Jeon found out about me being forced to leave. But here's the thing that makes me really suspicious: She knows my father's name!

They're about the same age, what if they went to school together? But then again, what are the odds? Maybe she just searched for his name in our family contacts once...

But she seems pissed at him, that's good. Maybe she'll slap some sense into him?

But yeah, that was weeks ago. Jungkook told me she barely stays at home right now, and she's not telling anyone what she's up to...

However, it's the first week of December! Which means a lot of exams on one hand but on the other hand, it's December, and that means Christmas.

I remember the Christmas talent show last year, Jimin and his disgusting shit-pile of a cousin dancing, Yoongi playing the piano, that really cool and talented senior singing that self-love song...

Oh, and of course: Jungkook calling me baby for the first time! ♡♡
Well, he may have lashed out on me and been a meanie before that, but the situation we were going through wasn't easy on either of us.
Ugh, I don't wanna remember.

And I surely as hell don't want to think about the future and what could happen to us...

Anyways, if it weren't for the horrific amount of glitter splattered everywhere, Christmas would be my favourite time of the year!
And if it weren't for the shit ton of exams...

But Chaeyoung's been an amazing study buddy, her grades are great and we always help each other out.

Can't say the same thing about dear old Jiminie unfortunately, poor dude should really at least try to improve his English. Or, you know what? He should've taken Japanese instead, his girlfriend is from goddamn Japan!

Ugh, I miss my Jungkookie! :(
I haven't seen him for such a long time, and to think about the fact that we're mid-year already? Time flows like stars, and I'm not even ready to think of the thought of letting go yet...

But we're gonna spend Christmas together, and New Year's!
We are so gonna kiss under a mistletoe, I'll hang hundreds of mistletoes all around my place.
It's gonna be sooo romantic...

And all of a sudden, I'm realizing that we've known each other for like, fifteen years by now? For all this time, I've always thought of his existence as a necessity. He's everywhere I go and I'm everywhere he goes. And if we get seperated, we start hurting.
And I think that's beautiful.

By the way, I've come to notice how casual I feel about you again, I'm not afraid of anyone reading you again. Why should I? It's literally just me gushing over my lovely boyfriend, ranting about my shitty father or writing about how amazing my sweet friends and my dear mommy are.

I really enjoy spending time with you, dear diary! Thanks for existing.
Now I really need to start studying, I have a Biology exam the day after tomorrow...

See you later, dear diary!

-Taehyungie ♡


"Only two more subjects to go, then I'm finally free for today... Netflix, I'm coming...," a certain redhead mumbled, packing up his pencil case and stuffing it into his school bag, shoving in his English book right after.

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