Chapter 60

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Dear Diary...

Today's the day.

It's senior year!!!

It's barely been the first day and I'm already scared of the final exams... Is that bad?

I mean, this year basically decides over my whole future! All the studying I did for all my life has to come to a use, I need to work hard...

But this entry should not only be about school.

As you may know, this little book has caused me so much damn trouble, might aswell say it ruined my whole life. But since I do believe that everything happens for a reason, I've finally been able to pull you out of the most abandoned corner of my most hidden drawer, after spending months after months of not sparing you a single glance.

I was so scared someone would see you. I didn't want to touch you, I literally got scared looking at you, I always felt super uncomfortable because of you, your mere presence drove me insane. But somehow, I couldn't bring it upon myself to just rip you into shreds and throw you inside the rubbish bin. Probably because some crazy part of me already saw this coming, that I would actually build up the courage to write inside you again.

You've brought me so much pain, you can't even imagine.
However, it kind of was my own fault and I've come to terms with it, so I'm finally done being a coward.

Today, I'll see Jungkook for the first time in three weeks. Three damn weeks, I missed him so much I could cry!
We're a couple, by the way.
Dear Diary, you missed out on a lot. But some things are better untold...

Today's also my first day back in school (senior year!) so of course, mental preparation for being the most hated person in school is very necessary.
Just like I said, you missed out on a lot.

But I'm glad I'll also see Jimin and Chaeyoung aswell. Chaeyoung's my new friend, she's the sweetest little thing and her hair is as soft as cotton candy!

She's going through the exact same things I used to go through, the one-sided crush on your best friend, being closeted, the fear of failing your family's high expectations-- you must remember better than anyone. Maybe I'll show my early entries to her.
I hope she gains courage soon enough, just like I did. And if Lisa doesn't like her back, my girl Chae can throw her into the trash. (Just kidding lol... unless?)

By the way, my dad's shipping me off to America right after my graduation. Isn't that awesome? (Detect the sarcasm, please.)
I still don't know how to tell Jungkook, time's running short... Will there ever be a right moment? He's so excited to spend the future with me.

And so was I... I think some part of me likes to believe that I actually don't even have to go, that fate just starts changing itself and I can stay. But I've always been more of a creative soul, 99% of the things I wish for are so bizarre, they could never happen... Let's just stop talking about this or I'll get depressed.

Last thing I'm going to tell you. Chris apologized to us the day before the holidays. Chris!
It was hilarious.

Jungkook forgave him pretty quickly but I was a bit more reckless than that.
I made him kneel in front of me and beg for forgiveness, for ten minutes straight. He must've been super humiliated. Then again, that's what happens when you kiss my boyfriend.
Don't try it ;)

This is getting too long, I'm sorry. There's just sooo much to tell!
By the way, I'm NEVER EVER taking you to school again, NEVER EVER. Don't even think of it!

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